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// Jack //


I woke up with a grunt rolling towards the side of the bed to the point where I almost fall off. I catch myself before I actually did though.

I groggily sit up, rubbing my eyes. Then it hit me, like a brick and I know what that feels like ive been hit by a brick before. Dont ask how. Anyways, Finn's coming today. I'm not prepared.

It'll be okay, itll be okay. No it wont oh god he gonna hate me in person. What if my outfit isnt perfect will he judge me? What about my hair? Oh god hes gonna hate my hair.

Ill have Sophia come over and help me get ready she's good at this stuff. I eventually, not so gracefully, get out of bed stumbling my way over to my dresser still half asleep.

I look at myself in the mirror and run a hand through my hair. Its kind of greasy so I decided to take a shower because I dont wanna look like an actual rat when I go to pick up Finn.

After an hour, I finished getting ready, I was already runing late. This isn't good. I was already stressed out Finn coming and not i have the added stress of showing up to school late. I grabbed my backpack from the floor and rushed down the stairs unintentionally slaming door behind me.

When I make down the stairs and head towards the door my mother calls "Jack, where are you going sweetie?"

I was already in a rush and really hoping she wouldn't drag on about me not eating breakfast.

My hopes were shot down when she said "Jack, love you need to eat breakfast" she said happily pointing me in the direction of the kitchen. I turned back to look at her and said, "Im not hungry mom."

"Nonsense." she claimed, "You have to eat at the start of every day so you'll have energy for the day. Big day today too, your little friend is coming" she said redirecting me into the kitchen again with a smile on her face. I sighed giving in setting my backpack on the floor by the door.

"Im gonna be late mom." I groaned sitting down at the table.

"Ill drive you today. Don't worry about it, just eat." she stated setting down toast and some kind of green liquid in front of me that looked like shreks piss. My mother recently has been getting into fitness. That in itself isn't a bad thing but she has been forcing us to drink her healthy smoothies that she's found online.

I huffed taking a bite of toast, it was a bit burnt but edible. "And, I don't have to take you to the airport tonight." she said a smug smile on her face, clearly happy with herself.

"You know what, on second thought this is amazing thanks so much for making me eat breakfast I feel much better now." I said picking up the green drink and chugging it.

"Thats what i thought" she said grabbing my cup from the table and putting it in the sink.

Once I finished my breakfast my mother shoves me out of the kitchen so that she can clean up. "Get in the car ill be out in a minute" she called. Without futher talk I climb into the car.

I anxiously waited in the car. School started in fifteen minutes and it was a ten minute drive there. I couldn't be late again this week. To ease my mind i get on my phone, I think about texting Finn, but ultimately decided against it. Not wanting to come off as clingy he was coming today anyways.

Within a few minutes my mother finally came out of the house. Im definitely gonna be late, what a great way to end the week.


When I eventually got to school I was ten minutes late, give or take a few. Which meant I had to go to the office and get a tardy slip which takes even more time. Great.

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