And I do Hope to Understand.

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And I do Hope to Understand

By: CorrectionFluid

It’s not about the arduous lessons that you took up,

But it’s on struggling to cope with those instructions.

It’s not about the scores reflected on your examinations,

But it’s on the sleepless nights you have gone through.

It’s not just about your kinship with your fellows,

But it’s seen in your reverence to your mentors.

It’s not about having an exemplary performance,

But it’s on the efforts you have wielded.

It’s not about making it to the A – list,

But it’s on framing a long term vision.

It’s not just about doing compulsory labor for someone,

But it’s on accomplishing tasks for your own.

It’s not about your extrinsic motivation,

But it’s seen on your strong will and determination.

Lastly, it’s not only about literal applications,

But it’s all about fulfilling real – life situations.

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