Damaged Damsel

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Written by SidetoEveryStory

I am a damaged damsel.
I waited so long for prince charming to come to my rescue that I learned to rescue myself. But by the time I learned to do this the damage had already been dealt.
I will never repair myself back up to full strength.
We are all made of glass and when we shatter we scatter all over the place. Pieces are lost. Misplaced.
Pieces are put back together in the wrong order. Duct taped because duct tape fixes everything. But certain conversations still make me uncomfortable.
I realized too late that I didn't need a hero.
So here I sit a damaged damsel in distress no longer, but still breaking under the pressure.

Slowly getting better.

Writer's BlockNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ