Part 3

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"What? No 'happy-to-fucking-see-you-Negan' smiles? C'mon, I thought we were all friends now?!" Negan's voice bellowed and bounced off the walls of his cell, making him sound larger than life, a sardonic grin plastered across his face as his eyes flicked from each one of their glares.

"Now, I imagine there is a problem of some kind, because normally, it's just my buddy Rick here stoppin' on by for a chat," Negan's eyes narrowed, a playful defiance burning in them as he met Rick's gaze. "But, lucky me! I get the whole damn crew!"

He ran his tongue over his top lip and bit down as Rick took a step closer to the bars of the cell door.

"What did you do?" Rick growled, trying to fight the urge to shoot the man through the door.

"Do? Me? Awe, Rick," Negan feigned disappointment and clutched his chest with one hand, "I'm hurt. What is it that you think I've done?"

Rick cocked his head to one side and could feel Maggie's hand barely touch his shoulder. He turned to look at her and slightly shook his head. Without a word Maggie gave him a look that told him she was ready to handle Negan.

Rick flashed a questioning glance to Glenn who nodded, though seemed to be just as nervous. The sheriff moved out of the way to let Maggie stand face to face with the prisoner.

"Now, now! This IS a treat! I mean, I always enjoy our time together Rick, but feasting my eyes on this pretty little thang, well, does my heart good!" Negan laughed and licked his teeth while staring down Maggie.

"Hey! You don't fucking LOOK at her," Glenn yelled ready to pounce on Negan. Daryl grabbed him by the shirt to tried to hold him back. Even though Glenn was smaller, it took all Daryl's strength to keep him still.

"Not now man," Daryl grunted. "She's got it."

Maggie's fiery gaze never left Negan's face. Amused by Glenn and Daryl's actions, Negan finally looked back at her. When he met her again and saw the look she was wearing, his tickled expression fading away.

"Damn, girl. You don't have to look at me like that," Negan stood up straighter now, his attention solely on the woman in front of him. "What is it that you want?"

"I want you to tell me how you made that happen," Maggie stated calmly and matter-of-factly. "I want to know how you managed to get rid of the guards and get the gate open. Who's helping you?"

Daryl and Glenn exchanged a curious glance, while Rick took a step back and narrowed his gaze at Maggie, then back to Negan.

The twinkle faded from his eyes, along with the smile he always seemed to wear. Negan took a few slow steps towards the door. When he was close enough, he wrapped his hands around the bars, leaning his face into them as far as he could.

Maggie didn't budge. Standing her ground merely inches from Negan, she maintained her level voice and spoke again.

"Tell me what I want to know. Now." None of the men behind her noticed that she slowly reached around to the back of her jeans where her gun was waiting.

"Lady, I have no idea what you're fucking talking about," Negan hissed at her, his brow furrowed in frustration, nostrils flaring with anger. "Besides, even if I did fucking do something, which doesn't seem very fucking likely, explain to me how I would do that? You've, had me locked in here, for YEARS!" Negan's bark rose to a deafening level in the small cell, his chest heaving with fury.

Maggie smirked, and in one quick motion pulled the gun from the rear waistband of her jeans and had it to Negan's forehead.

"I don't have a clue, you stupid piece of horse shit, that's why I'm askin'. We have children here, and whatever game you're playin' nearly got them killed. So, I am going to give you one more chance to answer my questions before I put a bullet between your eyes."

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