Chapter 24 - Karma

Start from the beginning

Rick's voice became distant as I stopped paying attention. I noticed light shuffling in the bushes behind me, and I turned my head. I saw a hint of black disappear. I blinked a few times, seeing nothing but green.

You're seeing things, I told myself. You're seeing things.

Something inside me was telling me it wasn't just nothing. Something was there, and I needed to trust myself. But I didn't want anyone else to worry. I didn't want anyone to get off track. We needed to get to Savannah, and I couldn't halt the group into some grim quest to find the mysterious black I only thought I saw.

You know what it was, you stupid girl, something told me. You're just denying it. Don't worry. Karma's a bitch.

I swallowed, trying to rid the thoughts out of my head. It had to have been nothing. There are so many things moving, it had to have been nothing.

Carl touched my arm, making me snap my head back. He had Judith attached to his leg, kicking his boot playfully.

"You alright?" He asked. I nodded, plastering a fake smile on my face through my worry.

"Yes. I'm okay. I should go get my stuff."

Carl reached for my hand, but Judith pulled him back, chanting to him to pick her up. Carl sighed in defeat and turned away from me. I walked to my backpack, slipping the folded note into it. I sighed, dropping it into the bottom of my backpack.

How much longer? I asked myself. How much longer can I keep this secret?

When I turned, Carl was already behind me. He was staring at my empty hands.

"Kat..." He breathed. He looked up, searching my blank face.

Dammit, I thought. He wasn't supposed to see. I don't want him to know my secret. I love him, but he can't know. I can't let him worry. He's got enough terrible thoughts in his head.

I swallowed, staring at him.

"What?" I asked, lifting the backpack onto my shoulders. I hated keeping the note from Carl, but it was too much for him.

"Give me the note," he demanded, holding out his hand. The group was away from us, packing up their things. I stared at Carl's outstretched hand.

"I can't," I choked out.

"Give it to me. Now," he repeated. I shook my head.

"No, I-"

"I wasn't asking, Kat! Give it to me!" He growled, his voice raising. I stepped back, tensing up. I shook my head again, and Carl stepped towards me again. Soon, Carl was walking me backwards.

"No, stop, Carl," I said shakily, clutching the straps of the backpack. Carl's eyes darkened, and he grabbed my arm, spinning me around. His hand found the zipper of my backpack, but I squirmed out of his grasp and pushed him away.

"No! No! Stop!" I protested, frantically searching for a way to run. Carl grabbed my waist, and I fought against him.

"Get off of me! Get off!" I cried, kicking in the air and attempting to flee. Rick suddenly was there, yanking us apart.

"What the hell is going on here?" He huffed, pushing Carl away further from me. I stared at Carl, my breath hitching.

He was going to take it from you, I thought. By force. He was just going to grab it. What's gotten into him?

As I thought, I remembered his eyes. So dark and cold, and he threw himself onto me for what he wanted.

"Nothing," Carl muttered, wiping the sweat off his face with the back of his hand. I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

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