Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

He got up and stalked over to me quickly. He lifted my chin up to meet his eyes and I was met with his glaring ones. He didn't say anything for a minute with his breath fanning my face.

"What have I told you about down talking yourself? I have told you over and over that you are beyond gorgeous."

"It's easy for you to say that because you're my husband."

"I never say anything because I'm you're husband. Everything I say to you is from the bottom of my heart. Now if you have a problem with your weight and you don't like it then we can start going to the gym together until you are happy with your body."

"You would do that for me?"

He pulls me tight into him kissing me on my forehead. I sighed in content. "I will do anything for you but personally I love every inch of your body." He grabbed a handful of my butt bending down to peck my lips.

I smiled wide at him. "You're such a perve."

"Maybe so but I'm you're perve." He bent down and kissed me again pecking my lips three times.

Somehow he convinced me to put on the swim suit. I was still uncomfortable but I was going to do this for me. When I looked in the mirror I didn't look too bad but I still didn't like the way I looked fully.

We got in the lake and played around throwing water at each other back and forth. I felt like a kid again. Since I could swim I was able to go under the water and pull him down making him panic every time.

He blew up the floats he bought for us so that we could float on them and relax. I was loving being outdoors for right now. I guess the bugs wasn't so annoying anymore. It also helped that it was very cool outside. I had my arms behind my head just floating along letting the sun cover me. Just as I was about to go to sleep I found myself being tanked into the water head first. When I came up I saw Lucas smirking at me. "Oh it's on."

"Bring it on baby girl."

I ducked down under the water to surprise him but he kept moving around. He knew what I was trying to do but I was determined. I went down deeper and grabbed him by his feet dragging him under. He started to kick but I didn't let go until he saw my smirking face then left him so he couldn't get me. I made it to the other side trying to get out the water but as soon as I was about to get out I was pulled back. I screamed bloody murder.

"Now you didn't think you were getting away that easy did you?"

"How did you do that? I left you!"

"And I followed you. I told you I would follow you anywhere," he said smirking.

"I hate you!" he laughed out loud while grabbing me into him.

"That may be but I love you." He tried to kiss me but I dodged him. He faked hurt but then grabbed my face smothering my lips with his. I laughed pushing him away.

"That's nasty!"

"It's love baby!"


Before we ended things we caught a few fish for dinner. Of course I had to be taught but I eventually got it. My dad would be so proud of me when I told him.

We were now sitting down on the logs by the fire with our freshly made s'mores. I hadn't had s'mores since I was five. The outdoors wasn't so bad after all.

"So are you having fun or should I have booked an expensive hotel somewhere," he asked looking over at me.

I immediately shook my head. "No, this was perfect," I said smiling. "I think this was a great way to reconnect."

"So are we good now?"

"Well, we're better than we were when we first came. I feel we are definitely closer to where we are supposed to be as a married couple." I looked down letting a thought invade my head once again. I couldn't shake this one anymore.

"Hey what's the matter," Lucas asked grabbing my hand.

I sighed looking up to the sky then back at him. "I think my mom was right."

"Damn this must be serious if you agreeing with your mother. What was she right about exactly?"

I looked down at my fingers thinking of what to say. "About me not having a wedding." I slowly looked up at him to see he was staring at me. I couldn't read his expression.

"Before we got married I asked you over and over if you were sure you didn't want a wedding and every time you insisted that you didn't."

"I know that."

"Then what has changed?"

"Before I got married to you I was in such a rush to get married to you before you changed your mind and I thought having a wedding would give you time to decide you didn't want to marry me."

He sighed rubbing his eyes frustrated. "Why would you think that?"

I shrugged not wanting to answer. He scooted closer to me pulling me into him. "If you want a wedding then you will have a wedding."

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