Ch. 22 Road Trip

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It was eight in the morning and I waited patiently in the living room. I could hear them argue. I never thought Sam would be fighting for me but she was. She was standing up to my dad and I was scared of what was to happen.

I didn't know what to do. This was the first time I heard anyone argue with my dad. If my mom had done it, maybe I was to small. But I don't recall her ever doing this.

"She's 17!" My dad said.

"And about to be 18. Let her go out. You can't keep her here forever! That's not how it works! The only thing you are giving her is depression! Where is your love? Don't act like a cold hearted bitch towards your daughter."

"Don't disrespect me in my house-"

"The truth hurts doesn't it. Amara gets her hard headed genes from you. You say she's not even trying to get better, have you even tried asking her what she wants? I know what she wants. She wants to go out have fun, be with her boyfriend, go on an adventure. And you're not letting her." Sam yelled.

"She is my daughter and you're not going to come into my house and tell me what to do. She shouldn't even have a boyfriend. That kid doesn't know how to care for my daughter. He won't understand her."

"That kid is a father. And he is fighting for his son. You just go to work and leave Amara here. You say you don't want me here but if I wasn't here who would be taking care of your daughter? Not you. That kid loves his child and he loves your's. You think he's bad but you're the real monster!" She said.

"Then why are you here!!" My father's voice boomed even louder than before.

"For her! I'm here for her!"

"Just leave Sam. Seriously, you shouldn't have came back."

"Fine then I'll leave. But once I'm out the door, don't ever look for me again."

I heard footsteps coming closer. It was sad to see her come to me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I tried, but he's stubborn and ignorant. I'll always be a call away, okay." She said.

"Thank you Sam."

I heard my dad coming to the living room as well.

Sam got up and went to the door.

"Sam wait." My dad said. "You can't take away my right to see my child."

She looked at him with a glare. "Then it's not yours. It'll never know a Rowe. Besides, you would never give it the attention it needs. I hope it doesn't come out as closed minded as you."

She slammed the door shut after her.

Everything was silent.

Everything made sense.

She was pregnant. Oh my gosh was it pregnant season. Man, people need to keep their legs close. At least some protection. What if I'm pregnant and don't even know it. Ha! I shouldn't be joking about this but damn, it's crazy.

Wait I'm having a brother or sister. A half blood sibling. And my dad won't be able to see it.

Who cares? Sam is right, my dad doesn't give me attention. He keeps me in this house and doesn't let me out. He hates knowing Clay is my boyfriend and that he does care and that he spends time with me. Maybe just maybe what Sam told him will open his eyes.

"Sam is right, hopefully that baby isn't dominant in your genes."


"Just leave me alone. It's what you're good at." I said. It took me a minute but I got to my room and locked the door.

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