Ch. 5 - Bathwater is Not a Suitable Refreshment

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{ so this is a pretty simple chapter, kinda weeeirddd. I'm just apologizing in advance for the lack of Loki, but I make up for it in chapter six. So enjoy some debating, catty jealousy, and some insight into Vindara ;) }

Ch. 5 - Bathwater Is Not a Suitable Refreshment

"Please, we're not here to cause trouble." This was bad. This was very bad bad bad. I glanced between the two of the girls and made out what I could.

The one before me, courageously cornering me against her door, was slightly taller than her friend, though not by much. She had long black hair that faded from the dark color to a midnight blue, ending in a royal blue about two inches from the tips. Her mane was efficiently fishtailed, swaying down her back. Flowery patterns in the same brilliant shade as the bottom of her hair pranced along the smooth, caramel skin of her arms, extending from her elbows to her fingertips. They were much like tattoos, almost as if they were a part of her skin. The girl's almond shaped eyes were centered on me, resembling two dark buttons on her slim face. At closer inspection, the weapon she had aimed at me was not a sword, but a katana, not that it made much difference to me. I could tell she was the more serious of the pair; stronger, more aggressive and determined. She contrasted the elf stereotype, appearing sharp and deadly in her blouse and pants. Mud stains were scattered along her black boots, leather tearing at the seams. Like I said, sharp and deadly.

The other girl, on the other hand, did fulfill the elf image. Short, almost like a young child, swimming in the flowing fabrics of her long dress, she too had caramel coated skin, but her eyes were larger, rounder, and a dazzling saturation of silver. Her oval face was framed by curtains of black hair, strands streaked and tainted with the same metallic tinge as her eyes. Similar to the girl with the katana, floral designs wove along her arms, and I noticed a reappearance on her ankles and feet, color coordinated with her eyes and hair.

If I had seen them in the streets, intimidation would be out of the question. They were obviously close friends, must've grown up together in this tiny village.

But they had us cornered, and I knew Thor and Fandral wouldn't resist without noble reason.

We were definitely screwed.

"I'll repeat myself. Who are you?" The girl in front of me shot daggers from her eyes directly into the sockets of mine. There would be no bargains, she seemed to imply, no joking around, no funny business.

"I'm Vindara, and that's Thor, prince of Asgard, and Fandral, his friend," I motioned towards the heap of Asgardian male on the floor.

"What are you doing in Alfheim?" So this was either an interrogation or a not-so-fun game of twenty questions. Great.

"Prince Loki was kidnapped. We.... I was sent by the Allfather to retrieve him. Thor and Fandral tagged along to assist me on my mission."

"What were those things outside?"

"Demons. Possibly shadow demons. Loki's captor ordered them after us, lord knows why. We just need refuge, a place to lay low until we finish searching through Alfheim. We mean no harm." The girl before me hesitated. Though her face remained blank, her eyes conveyed doubt and worry. All she wanted was safety. She lowered her katana.

"I'm Rika, this is my companion Pirena. We are elves, if you couldn't observe as much. We will discuss your stay here. Provide us a few hours and then you will know your fate." Rika sheathed her katana, then Pirena lowered her bow and presented the group of us with a small smile.

"You all can wash up. Vindara, we will provide spare clothes for you. Thor... Fandral.... I'm afraid we won't for..." Fandral rose from the floor and extended his hand to Pirena.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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