Ch. 3 - Open Fields Don't Harbor Prisoners, Just Massive Fights

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{ Authors Note: okay I swear Loki will legitimately be in the story soon soon soon! It's just taking some time. Except some new characters as well! Enjoy }

Ch. 3 - Open Fields Don't Harbor Prisoners, Just Massive Fights

3 days. It had been 3 days since the night at the inn with the horrifying dreams. 3 days and only one vision had approached me since. 3 days and we had barely gotten through the front terrain of Alfheim, which was all prairie and open land with tall grass and scattered forestry.

3 days and we still had nothing.

The burns on my back had formed scabs, which showed signs of healing, but also made it difficult to sleep at night, sadly. Thor, Fandral, and myself found refuge where we could. Many evenings we slept on rocks, or made beds of leaves.

Most nights I didn't sleep regardless.

The midnight after we left the inn, my dreams were nothing but a dark canvas and screams. Horrifying, bone chilling, mind shattering screams. I didn't pretend to lack knowledge. I knew whose they were, and I knew why I was being forced to listen throughout every hour of sleep. So the solution was simple, I abandoned sleep, and neither of the guys had knowledge of this, which made it easier to do.

We hunted for sustenance and usually remained hungry, but none of us really cared all that much.

So here we were, in a thicket of grass that reached my ribs, searching for a trail, clues, anything.

"This is so useless," a dejected Fandral called out from his squatted position on the ground.

I sighed.

"No it's not Fandral, we just have to keep looking, okay? Have some faith."

"No, milday, Fandral is correct. This is a pitiful hunt, we are getting no where. We should return to Asgard and have the Einherjar track my brother down."

"Excuse me, are you questioning my hunting skills?" I snapped at the two boys, standing up straight and placing my hands on my hips with a sense of sassy anger.

I knew it was probably hard to grasp that I had done this before, when we had a lack of progress, but I had. Despite my gender, age, naïvety, so on, I had completed missions, and nothing was going to stop me from doing that now. Insecurity threatened to bubble within my mind as the boys doubts swam around in my jumbled head.

"No Vindara, that is not what we-"

"I think that's exactly what you meant. I'm sorry this isn't going fast enough for you, but you didn't have to come along."

Thor groaned. "You think I do not know this? My family needs help, I could not sit around like my parents, alright?"

"Then stop complaining, this is the way I do things. Trust me, I want to get this over with too, I want to eat proper food and bathe and sleep-"

"Sleep?" Thor interrupted. Shit. "You have not rested?"

"Thor... Those nightmares... I just can't."

"Vindara, you're risking health, why did you not inform us?"

So much for getting away with that.

"That's not the situation at hand, okay? You must trust me for this to work, and if you don't-"

A large meaty hand was thrust in my face.

"Pardon me?" I sneered, glaring at Thor.

"Hush. Are you so deluded that you did not hear that?"

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