Inside of Vexin

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I feel someone tap me on the arm, and I turn to look at them. An older man from team orange is standing over me. He tells me that they have opened the moon, and that they want me to come look at it. I thank him for telling me, and he leads me over to Vexin. The people have split the moon roughly in half and I look at the inside. There are beakers, and gloves next to the moon, and I slip the rubber gloves on. I tell the people that I do not know what will happen, so they should probably leave. The walk away from the moon, and I take a closer look at it. The inside looks like a cell. It is liquid on the inside, but it is not spilling out. I put my hand to the moon, and feel it. The outside of the moon is now cooler, and it will be safe for me to work with it. I look at where they split it, and put my hand on it. It has hardened into a membrane of sorts, so that the content of the moon does not spill.

I rest my entire hand on the membrane, and feel the inside move under my fingers. I push with my fingers, and they break the membrane. The membrane them reforms around my hand so that the liquid stays inside. My hand is now in the moon, and I can feel around. The inside is more like a gel than a liquid. I am up to my wrists, and I turn around to find some help. I call for the man from the orange team, and he comes a moment later. I tell him to get me two large pots, and he runs off. He returns a moment later, caring two pots from the kitchen.

I cup my hand around some of the gel, and pull my hand from the moon. My hand slips out, and the membrane reseals itself. There is a small amount of gel in my hand, and I empty it into the bucket. A thin layer of the gel sticks to my glove, and will not come off. It is causing no harm, so I let it stay there. I take the gloves off, and go back into the moon without them. I put my hand in the moon again, and feel the gel on my bare hand. It is cool to the touch, which is interesting because the moon was so hot when we got it out of orbit. I cup my hand, and get as much of the liquid in them as I can.

I fill the pots with the liquid, and a small amount stays on my hand. It grips to my hand like a glove, but slides off after a moment. I let it slide into the pot, and I then have an amazing idea. I think that the element may react differently towards heat, so I pick up the two pots. I walk outside, and put them on the ground, in the direct sunlight. I know the Venus will be coming soon, and maybe that will be the heat that I need. I walk back inside, and sit on the ground with the rest of the people. I look at the clock on the wall, and know that the sun should be setting.

Venus is bright though, and the sky stays a red orange color. Venus moves in, and I tell everyone to just try to get some sleep. Venus is not poisons, so we will be fine. I walk to one of the windows, and look outside. I see the ground get hot, and see the trees burst into flames. I shrug this off, and walk back to where the other people are. I grab my mat off of the stage, and lay it down on the gym floor. I lie down, and try to drift off to sleep. The sky is bright out, so it is hard to sleep. I lay there for a few hours, and stare at the sky.

Venus starts to leave, and the sky starts to get darker. Mercury soon replaces it, and the sky gets bright again. This time it is more of a yellow color than red. I roll over, and fall asleep slowly. In my dream, I am back in the school. I have a brilliant idea, and walk over to the doors. I walk out of the doors, and walk towards the pots of gel. It is hot out in the dream, and the trees are still on fire. The heat does not affect me though, and I slip my hands into the pot of gel. I pull my hand out, and an idea flashes through my head.

Maybe the element on the inside was the reason that the moon was so hard to break. The dream fades to darkness, and I wake up. I sit up with a start, and see that the sky is dark. I look at the clock, and see that it is four in the morning. Most of the people are asleep, and I will have about another two hours until they start to wake up. I run to the door, and open it. It lets out a rusty squeal, but no one wakes up.

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