Not that I needed it (skylin)

Start from the beginning

"Oh ya and whys that?"

He chuckled," Skylin if you have to ask me then your blind." I gave him a curious look as he continued, "Obviously you don't see it but I've noticed the guys around here they have eyes for you."

"What are you talking about."

"Skylin do I have to spell it out for you your beautiful."

"Hmmmm was that your way of complimenting me?"

He shook is his head changing the subject, "Anyway I was wondering if we could start over. I think it's important to at least be friends."

I nodded,"What happened to making my life miserable?" I stood up gathering my things before the bell.

Cade also stood,"Ehh there's time for that later plus it's not that bad here. So do we have a deal?" he held out his hand.

I looked at his hand then up at the hope that seeped out of his eyes I didn't take his hand but pulled him into a hug instead. Cade's arm went around me perfectly and in that split second I had hope that everything would work out. As he let go of me I looked up to see his face smiling a true genuine smile that had me smiling before I knew it. In that moment our eyes had ment creating a strong connection that felt like the bond was finally working. I could see it in his eyes the love that was suppose to exist I could feel the pull to kiss, but luckily I was saved by the bell. Once the bell rang we both quickly looked away and I felt everything go cold once again. Cade glanced at me,"So do you like living at the house?"

I chuckled maybe just maybe we would be able to do this," I mean it's different from previous.. but I do like it."

We were walking in the hallway together when he asked," Where did you live before?"

My heart skipped a beat just as I was about to lie I saw Nate walking over to me," Sorry Cade another time, just so were clear you do your stuff I'll do mine and in between be at ease?" Cade nodded realizing what I was talking about when Nate grabbed my hand.

"Hey sorry I didnt see you this morning but hows your wrist?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The party... I heard you broke your wrist from falling."

I signed a sign of relief holding up my wrist," Might want to get new sourcese my wrist is only brusied." Now at least, I thought .

He smiled,"Thank goodness gotta say when I heard the news I was really worried."

I smiled that was sweet of him, he continued on,"So I wont be able to make it to lunch today but how bout you me tonight at 7 text me your address and I'll pick you up?"

We stopped at my locker I turned to facing him," Our first date huh?"

His pearly whites came about,"it's about time I take the most beautiful girl in school out."

I couldn't help but feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I nodded my head,"Will you be back for drama?"

"No." He then kissed my cheek as he left. I shut my locker and on my way to lunch I was greeted by Brent ,"Hey stud whats up?"

"Nothing much. Hey can I ask you something?"

"Sure anything."

"What was it like before?"

"Before what?"

His eyes held sincerity,"Before you came to live with us? What was your other pack like?"

"Honestly I don't know what pack I belonged to."

We were nearing the lunchroom so Brent stopped the conversation,"Hmmm can I ask you more later?"

"Of course. Anything for you Brent," I cheekily smiled toward him. His Blake green eyes pierced mine giving me a smile that brightened his face.

I got to the lunch table last taking the only seat open next to Cade and Dexter," Hey guys!"

Dexter smiled," Skylin what's on your mind?"

"Actually I was wondering if any of you will be home tonight?"

Cade questioned,"Why?"

I glance at his green emeralds," Nate's taking me out tonight, he was gonna pick me up and I wanted to make sure he wouldn't see any of you."

"Wait Skylin he already knows I live there. Remember the party."

"Oh crap," I looked around the table Brent's eyes were on Cade with curiosity, Lane was dazing, Addy was talking to Meredith and Dexter was listening to what was being said,"What should I tell him," I watched Dexter's amber eyes flicker to me then to Cade then back at me,"Tell him your moms having a book club."

"Ooo good one Dexter."

Brent piped in," Wait a second was Cade just being helpful to Skylin?"

The entire lunch table stopped talking and stared at the both of us. I blinked to Cade, his face relaxed,"Guys Skylin and I are planning on being friends."

Brent asked,"How exactly will that work?"

I shrugged," He's gonna do his thing I'll do mine and we'll be friends in between."

After I said that I saw pity in Addy's sea blue eyes, that then looked over my head. I heard a voice beside me,"Cade I need to talk to you." I didnt need to look I knew it was Cassy. Cade excused himself from the table leaving the rest of us for the 10 minutes remaining.


hey everyone!

I'm so sorry for not updating earlier I've been super busy with tennis then starting my first job and with ECA and now finals are soon in like 12 days.

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