Jealous Looks Good On You.

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Liam is jealous. He doesn't have the right to be but he is.
Why? He has no idea.
He is in a happy relationship with Hayden. Hayden, whom he loves so very much.
So why does Liam care when Theo starts to pay more attention to the new guy at school, Drew.

When Liam sees his smile, not a smirk, Theo's actual smile (that he's only even seen sent to himself before), directed to Drew he wants to throw up. When Liam sees Theo's touch lingering just that little bit to long on Drew's arm he wants to scream and growl. And when Liam sees Theo and Drew getting closer, becoming friends and not worrying about who sees them in public he wants to cry.
But he doesn't, he does none of those things. He simply goes about his life and talks to Theo only when necessary and acts as if his envy towards Drew is not eating him alive.

Liam hates everything about Drew, he hates his bouncy brown curls, and he hates the dumb clothes he wears. Liam hates Drew's annoying laugh and the stupid dimples he's cheeks make. However most of all, Liam hates that he gets to spend time with Theo.
He doesn't know why he's jealous, he hates Theo, yes they worked together with the ghost riders and at the zoo, but that was purely for survival. They didn't bond, they didn't gain a friendship. They survived, lived another day to get on with their lives and preferably never have to work together again.
When the war came to an end however Liam couldn't help but wish he could talk to Theo again, fight with Theo again, even bicker or fight against Theo. Liam wanted anything that would show that Theo hadn't forgot about Liam. But he never got this, he went along pretending nothing was wrong and Theo seemed to have forgotten that Liam existed. So that's how they left it, as if they never knew each other and never would again.

It's been a while since I updated, sorry to anyone if they actually enjoy my writing.
Thanks for reading if you did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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