beverly marsh request - 4

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// 1. sHoOk literally like yesterday morning or something i got 11k and now i have 14k?¿ 2. this one is for coralinesbuttons ! hope you like it!//

Your mother really wanted you to go to school today since she had things she wanted to do, you didn't know what exactly, but you were kind of okay with it. You had written a song, for a girl.
Her name was Beverly and she was beautiful.
You stuffed the song lyrics into your pocket as you started on your way to school. The backpack clinging to your shoulders felt heavier then normal but you knew it couldn't be, maybe it was just nerves. You would wait to give the song to Beverly until after classes were over, in the back of the school.
You walked to where your locker was, slung your backpack off your shoulders, and stuffed it inside. You grabbed your books that you needed and walked to your first class, which you had with her. It just so happened that your assigned seat was next o Beverly.
You stood in the doorway for a couple seconds longer then you should have, just staring at her. You shook your head before quickly taking your seat.
"Hi, (y/n)!" Beverly exclaimed when you sat down. "Hello Beverly," You responded shyly. "I haven't seen you in a while, how are you doing?" She inquired.
You were about to answer when you heard someone clear their throat behind Beverly, it was a boy, Richie. "Bev, we were in the middle of a conversa-" He got cut off when another boy, you knew as Eddie, nudged his to shut him up. You looked back at beverly who had glared at Richie and Eddie.
"Yeah, um, I've been doing fine. How are you?" You questioned back. "Better now that you're here," She answered and turned back around to continue her conversation with Richie and Eddie.
You stared at the back of her head, your mouth agape. You turned your attention to the front of the classroom as your teacher strode in. That moment was on your mind all day.
All of your classes were over and you had grabbed your backpack. You were nervous. Your palms were sweaty. You were going to go pour your heart out to a girl that you liked, who you didn't even know if she liked girls. Girls weren't suppose to like girls.
You looked over the lyrics of the song, just making sure you wouldn't mess it up. You looked up from the paper and saw Beverly walking out of the back of the school alone.
You hurried your pace so that you were following her out the door. "Beverly!" You shouted to get her attention. She paused for a second before turning around with that smile on her face. That damn smile. You sent her a smile in return. "Okay, so I know this is probably weird and I don't know what is going to happen after this but I really want to do this," You told her. She raised an eyebrow before she stepped closer towards you.
You were a distance away from the school, by the trees that were behind it. "Okay, go ahead," She nodded and just smiled.
You took a deep breath before starting to sing. Your voice was music to her ears, she had heard you singing one day after school in the music room and she had stopped to listen. The words started streaming out of your mouth melodically. She stared at you as you sang, her heart growing in her chest. Your heart beat quicker and quicker with every second, suddenly getting really nervous.
You started to stumble over your words, started singing quieter. 'You know the words...' You thought to yourself.  A sudden dark blush overcame your cheeks as Beverly walked closer to you. She gently pressed her lips to yours quickly.
"I like you too," She told you. Your mouth fell open, you were honestly shocked to say the least. "Wow," was all you could say. Since that day, you have been inseparable.

//hope that was okay! i just woke up but i really wanted to write //

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