p3: you finally find out

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Bill Denbrough ;
Ice cream. One of your favorite things in life. You were currently sitting with Richie, licking away at your cone. "So, (y/n)..." Richie said, drawing out your name slightly. Your eyes flicked up to him and you raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?" You asked curiously.
"You know Bill? Well of course you know Bill. He told me not to tell you something but I want to tell you anyways," Richie said and smirked a little bit. "Um... Okay?" You asked, confused. "So Bill, he-" Your best friend suddenly stopped as the door of the ice cream parlor flew open.
"D-D-Don't!" You heard Bill stutter. Both of your eyebrows shot up when he ran over to where you two were sitting. "Bill?" Richie asked, pretending to be shocked. "Where did you come from?"
Bill started blushing madly. "I, I, I was um.." Bill murmured and looked down at his hands before looking back up. "I was just walking around and I saw you and thought I should join you..." Bill stuttered and Richie smirked even more. "Well come on and join us," He said in a fake British accent.
Bill slid into the booth next to you and there was a gleam in Richie's eye. "I'll be right back. I gotta take a piss," He said and jumped up, leaving you and Bill alone.
Your foot bounced up and down as you stared at your ice cream. "What was Rich about to say?" You whispered and looked over at Bill. His mouth fell open and his eyes widened a little bit. "Because you obviously didn't want me to know," You told him. "Tell her...." A small voice hissed from the wall behind you. "R-R-Richie..." Bill hissed back at the wall.
You cleared your throat, Bill swiveled to look at you. "Um... Okay, fine," He said and looked down at his hands. "I like you. A lot. And I wanted to know if you wanted to maybe go out with me," Bill said, getting more confident as he went on.
"You didn't stutter..." You whispered and smiled a tiny bit to yourself. "I-I-If you don't l-like me back I can go.." Bill said defeated, starting to get up. You got out next to him and gently grabbed his hand before kissing his cheek. "No, I do," You told him, smiling widely.

Beverly Marsh ;
     Having sleepovers with Bev was one of your favorite things, never at her house with that dad of hers though. Whenever you went over there he made you want to throw up.
You and Bev were currently laying on your bed, looking up at the glow in the dark stars that littered your ceiling. "(y/n)?" You heard Beverly whisper. You gave a faint grunt to assure you that you were listening. "You're bi/gay, right?" She said. "Yeah, why?" You asked her, sitting up on your elbows.
"I'm bisexual," She told you after taking a deep breath. A smile broke on your face. "I'm so proud of you, Bevy!" You threw your arms over her and you both shared a short hug. You pulled away and you both sat there smiling for a few seconds.
"I need to tell you something else," She said, rubbing the back of her neck. "Okay, you can tell me anything," You assured her. She bit her lip, she wasn't normally nervous.
"I, I really like you," She whispered as you looked at her in shock. You just leaned down and hugged her tightly. "I really like you too," You told her gently and kissed her shoulder in a loving way.

Richie Tozier ;
    You and the rest of the losers walked out of school on the last day of school. Your friend had called you over so you said you would be right back and they would wait for you by the bikes.
You suddenly hear people being pushed so you turned around and saw most of the Losers on the ground. Your eyebrows raised in shock and you suddenly ran over. "Leave them alone!" You said once you had gotten in front of Henry Bowers who was bullying your friends.
"Why do you even hang out with them, you could come join me and the boys," He smirked and walked closer to you and you were pressed against his chest. You slapped him and stepped back. "Oh, you're going to get it!" Henry said and stepped forwards again.
Then, as if out of nowhere, a rock hit Henry's arm. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her." Richie demanded and grabbed your arm before pulling you behind him.
Henry looked behind you guys, probably at the cops that were standing there. He gulped and glared at you two before walking away, tripping Eddie as he walked.
You furrowed your eyebrows in anger and were about to follow him before Richie pulled you back. "Are you hurt?" He asked, his eyes scanning over you in concern. "Um, no. I'm fine," You told him and nodded. He blushed and pulled his hand off your arm.
You were walking next to Stan, behind Bill, Eddie, and Richie. "He likes you, you know," He turned to look at you. "What?" You questioned and turned to face him as well. "Richie, he likes you." Stan answered and nodded. "Oh..." You said and looked at your shoes.
"What are you two talking about back there?" You heard Richie yell from far ahead of you, you guessed they hadn't noticed you guys had stopped. "Nothing!" You replies as Stan said at the same time, "I told her!"
Richie's face went red, you hadn't seen him blush, maybe ever. Stan walked ahead and Bill said they would meet you there. "So..." You said, bouncing on your heels. "Yeah, I like you," He told you, taking your hand. You nodded. "Yeah, I like you too,"

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