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Warm water splashed against my cheek, making me wrinkle my nose and shut my eyes in surprise as Hershel Jr. splashed around in the bathtub. A chuckled out his name, and he continued the kick his small legs through the water. The young boy pushed a toy shark and dolphin around the tub while making small animal noises. I placed a blue washcloth in the water and lathered it in soap before rubbing it along Hershel Jr's back.

"That tickles!" He giggled out as I washed off his feet.

I let my fingers pinch lightly at the boy's toes. "It does?" I asked with a grin while tickling him. His legs splashed around once again, laughs erupting from his mouth that held the shape of a smile.

Moments later, a voice spoke from behind us. "What's all the noise about?" Hershel Jr. and I turned towards the voice to find Glenn leaning against the doorframe with a smile glued onto his face.

"Bath time," I replied with a grin as Glenn moved towards us. He sat down on the edge of the tub and looked down towards the water before scooping up a handful of bubbles. "What are you-" I began, but was soon cut off by my husband smashing the bubbles onto my cheek. I squeezed my eyes shut, and wiped my now soaked eyes with my fingers. Hershel Jr. and Glenn both erupted in laughter while staring at my face. "So that's how we're going to be," I mumbled, and quickly grabbed a handful of warm water in order to splash it all over Glenn.

"Get her, Hershey!" Glenn yelled, and the two began pouring handful after handful of water onto my head and shirt.

Laughs began to escape me as I scooted back away towards the wall, Glenn and Hershel still throwing water at me. "Stop, stop, stop!" I squealed out while tucking myself into a ball against the wall. "I surrender!"

Glenn held his hand out in front of Hershel Jr. "Alright, alright that's enough buddy," he chuckled out while grabbing two towels from inside the linen closet. He tossed one onto my lap, and scooped Hershel Jr. up into the other.

My husband flashed me a grin, holding out his hand to help me up from the floor. I shook my head with a chuckle, and took hold of his hand. As Glenn pulled me from the ground, he gently yanked my body towards his, causing me to squeal out in surprise. He let out a snort, looking into my eyes with his before placing a soft kiss onto my lips. "I love you," he whispered.

After the two left, I used the towel to dry myself off as much as possible. The bathtub was still filled with water and an overwhelming amount of bath toys, so I began to clean up while Glenn got Hershel Jr. ready for bed.

The house was pretty much empty that night as I walked down the halls towards my son's bedroom. Everyone was off doing their own thing in the community or was simply already asleep. The only sounds that echoed throughout the house were Hershel Jr.'s squeals as he ran around his room, refusing to get dressed.

"You'll never catch me," he said while bouncing along the floor. Glenn crawled around the floor, attempting to grab onto the quick little boy who refused to put his pajamas on.

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at my son. "Come on, Hershey. You know your dad's leg isn't better yet. Help him out a little bit."

Hershel Jr. pressed his lips together into a straight line, considering my words carefully before springing himself towards Glenn. I thanked him and proceeded to undo his bed on the other side of the room. Moments later, Glenn laid the boy down onto the bed and pulled the covers up to his chin.

"You're not leaving again, right?" Hershel Jr. asked his father, referring to Glenn's job of going on supply runs for Alexandria. "I don't want you to go."

Glenn sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through Hershey's dark hair. "Not tomorrow because of my leg, but Aunt Tara and I have to do our jobs." Glenn glanced over at me. "I go find supplies for everyone, your mom helps run the community, and you go to school to learn because those are our jobs."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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