He doesn't seem to process your dread, too wrapped up in his own request, "Come on," he lightly slapped your shoulder with a frown, shaking the game in front of your face in a way to make your desire for it convince you, "I know you want this game as much as I do, what's the harm?"

These constant meetings with your ex made you hesitate as you still didn't know why he was desperately trying to talk to you, but your hesitant gaze shifted between him and the game you had wasted sleep to obtain as you considered the possibilities. There was no way he liked you, the one who ended things between you both, so what was the harm?

You groaned loudly and sighed in defeat loud enough for him to hear as he flashed a victorious, smug grin before walking towards the counter, gesturing for you to follow. You did, not without groaning all the way there, as the man simply continued showing off his bunny grin and white teeth.

"That will be 60 dollars, please." The person behind the counter monotonously said, his unenthusiastic eyes lazily glancing towards the two of you. You both slowly turned towards the other- you having to look up- as you two blinked simultaneously.

"ROCKPAPERSCISSORS, SHOOT-" both your loud voices echoed throughout the small expanse of the store as you two suddenly jumped apart from each other to get into the typical rock-paper-scissors position, though you both did it with a bit of unnecessary exaggeration, as how it was accustomed. Your fist connected with your palm with unnecessary force before lifting to reveal scissors, while Jungkook's was paper.

"AHAH!" You yelled as you immediately broke into a celebratory dance, "I win! You're paying!" your grin got impossibly more smug as you payed no mind to the stares coming your way, skipping towards the pouting man in front of you, furiously poking his cheek, "Well maybe sharing won't be so bad after all! I just saved sixty bucks~" you started skipping towards the door while you waved your wallet in the air, "See you on the other side!" You ignored the glares and not so discreet middle fingers he sent your way as you exited the store in bliss.


So, if there was one thing you did not think about, it was this. The fact that you had to meet his friends. What was so wrong about that? Well, for one, you had met them while you still held the title of "Jungkook's girlfriend", they were idols, and the fact that you didn't see them when you encountered Jungkook in that group date unnerved you. Yup, they probably hated your guts. Why? There was no reason, other than you now being their maknae's ex, but that didn't stop your mind from coming up with crazy scenarios that were completely ridiculous yet slightly plausible.

So, as you were steadily approaching their oh so familiar dorms, your head started pounding and your mind started racing. It was similar to the feeling of a lover going to introduce themselves to their significant others' parents, except that wasn't at all the case and you were only here to play the game you two (or rather, Jungkook) bought, to then exchange it before you go home and, at some point, give it back to let the cycle continue. You have no reason to be nervous and yet here you were, nervous.

You eventually arrived as Jungkook fished his pockets for his keys agonizingly slowly. You really wanted to avoid the other six boys' possibly judgmental eyes, but you decided to just get this over with so you could go home. You then started thinking back to how you could get yourself in a situation like this.

Just as you were daydreaming, a door lock clicking open interrupted your thoughts as you then hear the loud chattering from inside, along with what you determined to be television static and cutlery falling. As the door opened the voices seemed to stop rather too abruptly as you walked in alongside Jungkook, slowly taking your shoes off as your ears blocked out the sound of the maknae greeting the others out of sheer nervousness. Their eyes were all on you as you sweat bullets and put on the slippers Jungkook offered you.

"Everyone, this is Y/n, if you don't remember." Jungkook smiled nervously as well. Oh god. They probably think I broke his heart or something. No, they obviously think that, and fuck they probably know about that time I broke his ironman toy and- wait why are they all cheering.

The boys that had previously been staring at you suddenly burst from their seats as they celebrated.. something. You didn't know what, and at that moment you really regretted not sleeping in that day.

They were speaking words you couldn't quite distinguish until you see Taehyung wrap his arm around Jungkook's shoulder, speaking loudly enough for all of you to hear, "You finally ran after her, I didn't know you had it in you!" The others clapped and the youngest boys' cheeks paled and his eyes were void of emotions, except dread.

The clapping and cheering died down at his reaction and Jimin walked over just as Taehyung separated himself from the other man, "You did tell her..." He paused, "right?" You could only stare at him as he lifted his head and stared into your eyes with anxiety written all over his features. You notice him tapping his foot the way he always would when he was nervous.

"Y/n..." He walked towards you, his height towering over your own as he gently but firmly gripped your shoulders, looking down at you with a serious expression. "I'm still in love with you. And I know you don't feel the same, so I'm not going to stop until I win you over again." He ended his sentence with a cheeky smile, almost as if he was reassuring himself but nevertheless he held his confident gaze on you. You could only stare in shock as you processed his words.

Just what were you getting yourself into?

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