[25K SPECIAL] Seungho's story

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When it comes to normal chapters this is a jinhwi fanfic but when it comes to chapter specials it becomes a guanho fanfic ;) yie. enjoy huahauahau


"So, Seungho, what story did you write for your assignment?" Seungho's teacher turned to him, smiling. Seungho scratched his head. He didn't really know what he wrote either, because his brother Seonho wrote it all for him.

His classmate glanced at the story written in his notebook and also scratched his head. "Why did you write about your brother Seonho? Is he a fairy tale character?" his classmate asked.

Seungho shook his head. "No! Seonho hyung just wanted to be the main character of my story so badly for some reason!" he pouted. The teacher giggled and patted Seungho's head.

"Aigoo, your brother must really want to help you on your assignments then, Seungho!"

"No, teacher. When it's stuff like this where he can insert himself he goes and helps me but when it's math problems or questions, he locks himself in his room."

The class erupted into laughter after Seungho said that, but Seungho didn't find it funny at all. He knew his brother was good at Math and a few other subjects yet he still chose not to help him. It made him annoyed sometimes.

"Okay, okay, Seungho." his teacher took a sip from her water bottle after laughing. "You can go ahead and read your story now. We're listening."

Seungho stood up, holding his notebook in his hand. He didn't really want to read this story out loud but since he had no choice he read it anyway. Atleast he wasn't the one who wrote it. If they laugh at him, it's Seonho who they're laughing at. Let's just think about it like that, Seungho.

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Pizzaville, there lived a young prince named Yoo Seonho.

"Pizzaville?" his classmate asked. Seungho shrugged. "My brother and his best friend are both obsessed with pizza so we went with that," he said.

Prince Seonho loved food. Everyday all he would do is ring the bell and his loyal subjects would bring food to him, he didn't even have to move from his bed when he did it, because they'd serve it on a desk just for him.

Though despite his riches and benefits, Seonho was very lonely. He was currently betrothed to emperor Minhyun of Knockland, but the king was busy fighting war with rebels in his kingdom, so he could not see him very often.

"Who's Minhyun? Is he a friend of your brother?" his teacher asked. Seungho snorted. "No, teacher. He means Minhyun from the Kpop group Knock. You know, the one who likes to do butt dances."

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