chapter twenty nine

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i know the latest ship is jaehwan x toilet scrub but jaehwan cheering for sewoon on AAA tho. my jaewoon heart is hollering


"Does it have to be him?" Donghyun suddenly appeared in Daehwi's doorway, leaning on the side. Daehwi looked at him and blinked. "Who?" he asked.

"That WinkDeep member, Bae Jinyoung, does it have to be him?" he muttered, though Daehwi could hear it. ".. does he have to be one for you to date?"

"Why? It's not like if I dated anyone else, you would be satisfied." Daehwi sighed, making his homework on his desk. "You're the most overprotective guy I've met."

Donghyun stayed silent and approached Daehwi, grabbing a chair and sitting next to him. "What's your ideal type? Forget Bae Jinyoung, just pretend you're, uh, single again and think about what kind of guy you'd wanna date," he said.

Narrowing his eyes at him, Daehwi looked at his brother skeptically. He seemed serious, except Daehwi had no clue why. "It doesn't matter. I don't have one." he closed his notebook and put it back in his bag. "Now go away. You're annoying."

"Wait!" Donghyun grabbed Daehwi's wrist, stopping him from walking away. "... just tell me why you like him, then maybe then I can let it go."

"You should've let it go from the start. I'm not a kid anymore!" Daehwi scoffed, yanking his wrist off of Donghyun's wrist. "Always such a busybody. Look, I get it, we grew up as brothers, but can we please just let each other live our own respective lives? Jesus!"

He's already had enough of how nosy Donghyun has been all these years. Shouldn't he have better things to attend to? Why does he always meddle in Daehwi's life? He just doesn't get his brother. "Maybe as a brother, yeah, to some extent you should care about me, but not up to the point where you're always sticking your nose in my business!"

"Then how about we stop being brothers?!" Donghyun yelled. "Let's just throw that relationship away then. Forget all the years we spent together as brothers, let's just be strangers then!"

Daehwi's jaw dropped. He did expect Donghyun to overreact somehow, but not in that way. "Are you.. are you disowning me right now?" he asked.

"You don't know anything because you're so dense, but I really don't think of you as my brother. After all these years, I stopped thinking about you as one!"

Daehwi felt hurt. He thought he and Donghyun had a great bond even though they actually weren't blood related, but it turns out he was the only one who saw it that way. "Don't you know that your words hurt?" Daehwi clenched his fists. "If you've never saw me even once as a brother, then why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave like mom did? Sending money would've been enough if you really didn't care about me like how I care for you."

"See, that's your problem!" Donghyun exploded, holding Daehwi's shoulders. "You don't know the meaning of my words, you never do!"

"What else could this mean besides the fact that I'm just a burden to you?! Huh?! Just a brother from another father who you always thought was annoying! What else could your words mean, huh?!" Daehwi screamed, feeling the heat rise up in him from anger. He's never had an argument this serious with Donghyun before, and he really doesn't like it. He just wishes it would end and Donghyun would tell him he's joking.

"You really don't know?" Donghyun suddenly switched to a low voice. He looked sad, but Daehwi doesn't get it. He doesn't get anything. "It's because I, for 3 years, have kept a secret from you. I don't know if I can keep it a secret any longer, it hurts so god damn much! Yet you don't even have a clue!"

".. secret?"

"The secret that I like y-"

Donghyun was cut off as the doorbell suddenly rang, and simultaneously, someone was banging on the front door and screaming. "YAH! KIM DONGHYUN, OPEN THE DOOR OR WE'LL TELL DAEHWI WHAT WE KNOW!" yelled what seemed like.. Hwanwoong's voice. Daehwi blinked. What was Dongmyeong's brother doing here all of a sudden, he has no idea why.

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