"Yunna.. "

Finally... He speaks! I knew this could work!

"What? " I replied,  showing no emotions at all.

He stared at me, but nothing came out from his lips. I waited for few seconds, looking at him waiting for the next. My arms crossed on my chest and raised one eyebrow to him.
Until I lost my patience, I decided to walk away from him into the forest again. As I took further steps, he stopped me by grabbing my arm. I turned around and showed him a kind of face that says 'spit it out before I fuckin get frustrated' .

"Are you going to talk or not? I don't have much time, Corporal "

"...I'm sorry.... "

My eyes widen as he apologized to me. After all these years, he finally apologized to the innocent lady standing in front of him. I continued my role play, I still staring at him with no emotions. Instead, he was now.. And only now... Showed his sad expression after a long long long time.

"For what? "

"For everything I done to you. " he answered.

I stayed silence. My heart actually arched in pain and filled with sadness. I looked away from him and faced my back to him. I can't cry.. Not now.. Not in front of him. Calm.. Down..

"I know.. I have been stupid enough to blame you for not look after them. I know you did things careless. I know you were weak. But I should have investigate it before I can make my decisions, and I didn't even bother how you feel. I shouldn't made a judgement call back then, if you hadn't run away, I think I might murdered you two years ago. " he continued. He grabbed my arm again and pulled me back for a hug, leaning my back to his. It was warm though, the smell of his sense sent through my nose and my whole body. I missed it so much and I just don't want to admit it right now. My job isnt done yet.

"I wouldn't care less about that. I forgive you, but I must take some time for me to let it go. " I muttered under my breath weakly.

He slowly released me from him and turned me around, he tilted my head with his index finger so he could look at my face clearly.

"Thank you... Yunna"

I smiled at him, " You're welcome "


"Serious? You have no idea how you get into that shitty world? "

"Yes, Levi. And it's not shitty.. It'd pretty cool you know. "

Both of us were walking back to HQ after leaving his horse tied up in the stables.

"You somehow got magic but you didn't know "

I rolled my eyes at his answer. He noticed that and spanked my head from the back.

"Ouch! What was that?! " I yelled in pain.

"That's for being stupid in front of your superior "

"Hnmphh! " I turned away from him and rubbing my back. I fasten my pace walking into the HQ , I needed to find Dei and Sasori.

"Sasori? Dei? Are you guys in here? " I knocked on their door and sensed nothing inside. Perhaps they have gone for training lessons. I walked to the training ground and peeped for them, the next thing was shocking as I stared at my front direction.

<< Sasori pov >>

"Good job, cadet! Now go and get a rest while waiting the friend of yours"  Commander gave me a compliment as I done two sparring with two cadets. It was way easy to bring them down.

"Thanks "

I walked away and found a spot that empty for me to sit. I sensed Yunna's chakra nearby the training ground. Looking around for their figure and landed behind the few cadets. She was staring at Deidara, who was still sparring with a cadet called Mikasa.

"I will not go easy on you! "  Deidara yelled loudly pissing off. The girl didn't seemed affected by his words, instead she moved forward and gave him a kick at both of his legs and punched him from the top of his head.


"Yunna.. " I snapped out of my thoughts, the voice... Is so familiar. I looked everywhere of my surroundings but there wasn't anyone talking to me. Shaking my head, I ignored it.

"Yunna "

I wondered who talked to me , I turned and saw no one. I begun feeling very curious and scared.

"It's me... Madara "

"Huh? Where are you? Why I can't see you Madara? "

"I'm communicate through your mind. That's why you can't see me now. How are you these days? I heard Pein sent you to a mission. "

"I'm good. Yeahh, apparently it takes days to find out the target, Madara kun. "

"Is that so ? Need me to help? "

"No you stay. I'll be fine. Besides, Dei and Sasori are with me. "

"Okay then, if anything happens or you need help. You know how to contact us. "

"Yes baka. I gotta go, be safe okay? "

"Hn. See ya beautiful"

Seriously? He called me beautiful?
I thought silently , a small faint of smile placed on my face.


"That girl is such an ass. Beating me like that, she's lucky that she hasn't seen my other side. " Deidara exclaimed, Yunna was at his side healing his pain legs.

"I don't understand why you have to fight with her. There are lots of cadets that easier for you, yet you chose that tough ones " Yunna chuckled while still healing him.

"Well it's part of a plan. " I told her.

"What plan? "

" we sensed the chakra. So we already set a trap for him. I might beat the cadets in one hand, but we don't have to declare two winners cuz far too obvious. So I be the winner, he got the lost. To cover up from him is easy, got it Yunna? " I explained.

"Ohhh ~ you're smart Danna!!!  "

I smirked at her, feeling proud.

"And how are you? This morning you went out with that midget. " Deidara asked to broke the silence.

"Oh.. He apologized " she looked down on the ground, a faint smile was replaced at her. "And I forgive him"

"Then you're staying here? "

She shook her head. She opened her mouth and we knew she was about to say something.

"I feel better living with you guys, my family "

Saviour In Between Two Different Worlds ( Madara × Reader × Levi )Where stories live. Discover now