I turned shoving my hand against the figure. Sam watched as I reacted against the empty space.  My eyes narrowed as that Dean merely grinned at me.

"You aren't real!  I left you back in that other place! Just go away!"

The shouting brought Dean and Castiel to Sam's side.  The three of them stared as I yelled at the man only I could see.  My hand slammed into the wall, while I thought it was him.  The figment of my imagination merely smiled before dissipating into nothing.  My hand relaxed at my side and began to throb. The three stared at me as I tilted my head slightly.

"Is something wrong?" Castiel asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'm fine," I answered, turning toward my room.

"What happened there?" Dean asked.

"Nothing, Dean."

"You need to talk to us."

"Dean, if I told you a fraction of anything I remember. You'd understand just why I can't stand seeing you."  I stood for a moment. My eyes held sternly on the ground. "I'm just gonna take some time to think."

My hand throbbed as the door shut behind me.  I locked the door and walked to the bathroom.  The cold water ran. My swollen, reddened hand moved under the cold water.  There was an ache deep within my bones.  A figure flickered up the sink next to me.

"You sure made a spectacle of yourself," the same figure from earlier appeared near me.  "You know they think you're crazy."

My eyes lifted to the mirror. There was no reflection of him.  I turned to grab a towel off the rack behind me. I wrapped it in a sturdy manner around my hand. The man was in front of me when I stepped into the room.

"Are you just going to ignore me?"

"That was the plan," I said quietly. My body slipped under the blankets. Hoping they'd offer some protection from the hallucination. "Why am I seeing you?"

"Because we had fun. I made quite an impression. You secretly like me more than your Dean. Take your pick."

"You forgot to mention that you tortured me mercilessly.  That you and your demon friends messed with my head so much that I'm back where I wanted to be, and I still have to see your ugly face."

"I wonder what could you do to make it stop?"

"I could go to sleep.  And you could shut up."

"That's only temporary you need something a bit more permanent.  You've been flung around so many worlds.  None kept you. No one really wanted you in any of them. Why are you still here?" he smirked, while kicking his legs up on the bed.

"I know what you're trying to do. And it's not-"

"Oh, you don't have a choice, darling."

"What do you mean?"

"Just go to sleep. You'll know when the time comes."

Muttered words left my lips as I was asleep in moments. The world around me was quiet. No dreams played through my subconscious mind.  But that didn't last long. The haziness of my vision barely made out what was happening.  My body moved of its own accord.

"Alright, sweetheart, open your eyes."

The voice sounded familiar as my eyelids flickered.  I looked around as everything cleared. The man  before me was my father, but he sounded like Dean.  The scene behind him unfolded. Sam and Dean knelt across the garage. Their heads hung low, with their arms bound behind their backs. Crowley and another demon, who I didn't look at in the confusion, were trapped inside a devil's trap.  All of them seemed to be frozen in place. To top it off the entire place was warded in Enochian symbols.  My eyes narrowed at the man in front of me.

"I did a good job, didn't I?" he spun, looking at the glorious outcome of his planning, "I think it's turned out rather well."

"Are you still so delusional?" I hissed, "you let those demons return my memories. And you think I don't remember what you let happen to me."

My eyes drifted past him to the woman trapped with Crowley.  I hadn't seen her in years. My jaw dropped as my heart pounded against my chest.  That was my mother.  If she was in the devil's trap that meant she was a demon. Did that happen because she killed herself? I froze as my father walked around me with a smile.  He snapped his fingers as everyone came to life. They were just as surprised to be here as I was.

"I've waited quite awhile for this moment," he started.  Everyone looked between each other, "does anyone have any last words for dear ____?"

"What do you mean last words?" I asked.

"How did you get us all here?" my mother asked, "I swear you'll regret hurting her."

"It's so good to see you again, my love, but I liked you much more when you knew when to shut the hell up."

"What is all this for? Why did you bother finding me? You could have just pretended I was dead. You could have had your own screwed up version of peace."

"I swear you will regret this.  If I get out of these you're so dead," I looked past my father to see Dean struggling against his bindings.  I thought about making another hurtful comment, but the look in his eyes deterred me. That was actually my Dean. "____, we're all here for you. No matter what he's put you through we're all going to fight for you."

My eyes wandered around watching everyone.  Sam and Dean tried to break their bindings. Crowley, and my mother, were both focusing on breaking the devil's trap. No matter how hard I tried my body wouldn't move. Why would Dean even fight for me? I said those horrible things to him. My father reappeared in my line of view.

"Look at this. You've finally got people here who care about you."  A cackling sound echoed around the garage. "Even after all the things you said to that one," he pointed at Dean, roaring with laughter, "he still cares about you.  And you've done nothing but take advantage of all of them."

"You know if you put half the effort of all this into being a decent father then-"

Everyone stopped what they were doing.  Cold steel shoved its way into my mouth. I stared down the barrel of his gun.  It cocked as my body tensed completely. My eyes darted between everyone. There was no way out of this.  There was a laugh as the gun slipped from my mouth. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  He looked between the others now struggling harder, then to me.

"Time to erase the biggest mistake of my life," he smirked.

Bang. The gun fired.  The sound echoed around the room. Everyone watching froze up.  Dean looked angrier than I've ever seen. My mother looked as if she collapsed.  Maybe even demons could even faint on seeing something so upsetting. White light flashed across my vision like a bolt of lightning. There was no other sensation of note. My vision faded while my body fell backwards. All was dark before my body hit the ground. The words of my friends faded. Things shuffled around as I felt myself fading away.  All of this because that bastard hated me, his own child, so much.  Like I've said before no matter what you try to hide, or how much you try to run, the past finds you somehow.  At least I was realizing how true that was in my circumstance.

The Cursed Book (Dean Winchester x Reader - AU) Where stories live. Discover now