Getting together with him

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"Sir..What's written in it..??"madhu asks him..

"that i told u na I don't understand which language is this.."balraj tells her ..

"let me try.."Rk tells him ..All looks him in wonder..

"Being an archaeologist even i couldn't understand this then how can u..??balraj..

"Sir..that his chacha was a big archaeologist.."madhu lies ..

"Oh.."balaj looks at him ..

"let us give him a chance.."madhu..

"Ok...i have no problem.."balraj gives the plate to rk..he too it & looks it..

"What's in that rk..??"Madhu asks him curiously ..he went near Madhu & whispers.."this is about me.."Rk..


"hah..i think guru created this.."rk..

"ok..whats in it..?"Madhu..

"did u get it..??"balraj..

"hah..its about genies.."Rk told him..

"i know it..Anything else..??"balraj asks..

"hah..its a story about a genie who is half human.."rk..

"what story..??ok then can u pls translate it.."balraj..

"hm..250 years before there born a genie against the rule of genie's world..half human & half genie..he was abandoned by his world..& he got a chance to enter their world by serving a human..but.."he stopped..

"y u stopped..?continue.."balraj..

"but if he love a human it leads to his destruction.."Rk looks Madhu..



"if he turns to a human..he can lead a normal life..but.."rk..

"pls stop creating suspense..what tell it.."balraj..

"its may leads to that genie's complete destruction.."rk..

"thats all..??"balraj..


"v got nothing important from this..this just a story...but this is antique so v can give this to museum.."balraj informs them ..

"but i got more from this.."madhu thought..

Next morning

"Trishna..Trishna.."sikky knocked at the door & trishna opened the door..

"what happend, Sikky..?"Trish..

"Trishna where is madhu..?"sikky asks her..

"she is showering .."trish tells him ..madhu comes out from the from the washroom..

"ha madhu.."sikky..

"what happend sikky..??"madhu goes there..

"madhu...Rk is missing.."sikky..

" look everywhere..?"madhu..

"ha..he is nowhere to be found .."sikky..she looks at her hand & found the ring is missing from her finger..

"where it gone..??!!"madhu start searching..

"what r u looking for madhu..??"trish asks confused..

"My ring.."she start to mess up the room..

"madhu have u gone mad.??."trishna went near her & tried to stop her.. All others also came there..

"My ring..Rishabh.."she starts crying..

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