Life or Death

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I’m alive, I actually lived through the crash, the death that was supposed to come decided to wait at least another day. But now I don’t know what to do, I’m trapped on this beach, the red water lapping at my feet. I was supposed to die, I wasn’t supposed to be alive after that incident no one else survived, but I stand here, defying death. I scan the beach, there is a forest behind me, probably filled with evil creatures of the world. I don’t know what to do, either find clean water, or to build a shelter and a fire first, I don’t even know how to build a fire, much less a shelter.

I was supposed to be going to Malaysia, Indonesia from America, so I am probably stranded on an island near that region. No one will ever come for me, they will be too scared to, the horrible incident that should have killed me, I was supposed to die, how can they die and I be alive? I walk the red beach, blood stained all over me, even the beach is stained red, the red water lapping at the beach. The smell of blood is everywhere, that putrid smell will forever stay in my memory, my fiance died on that plane. I could have saved him, it’s all my fault, I killed my fiance.

I walk up and down the beach, pondering on what I should do next. I decide that it is worth the risk to explore the forest. I take a step into the shade and I am instantly surrounded by the noises of the wild. Birds and insects, of all different sounds buzzing and flapping around me, I could hear the distant noise of an animal eating, probably a bear or large cat. I creep closer to the noise and spot a pack of dogs that somehow resemble a wolf, but not completely.

I take a look at what they are eating, it is an arm, an arm that must have come from the beach, the red sand that is littered with large chunks of metal and flesh. I walk away from the gruesome scene. I explore till I come to a section of bamboo. I start picking it, to make some sort of shelter. I walk back to the beach, deciding that this is the best place to build a shelter, no one will come for me, no one will care enough to. This incident will start a war with America and Japan.

I build some sort of crappy TeePee made from leaning a circle of bamboo into the center and using an extra hair tie that I had on my wrist to secure it. Now, I need to build a fire, I scan the island for some sort of dry wood, and finally find a dead tree that  has reasonable sized limbs. Dragging the branches to my teepee, I stack them to make a really bad wood pile. I just need some ignition, I scan for some black stones, cause I remember that flint was black, but I can't find anything usefull. I remember that one of the kids that I was babysitting years ago was burning ants with another kid’s glasses, so I take off in search of glasses, or some glass from the wreck.

I scan the beach and come across a body wearing glasses, he is missing a leg and is holding some sort of book, but there is too much blood to read the cover, I slide the glasses off of the man's face, they are broken and only one side is intact enough to refract any light at all. I start running to my little camp, eager to get away from the blood bath. I make it to the pile of branches and remember that I need something to set ablaze that can get the wood to burn, so I jog to the nearest body and rip a piece of their shirt sleeve that was falling off and head back to camp.

I set the cloth ablaze finally, by using the sun and the glasses, and set the cloth in the pile of wood. I watch as the flame starts dying out, but then licks it’s way back to life. I lightly blow on the flame to keep it going. It finally sparks into life and eats at the wood. I make my way down to the red water, finding a spot that looks clear enough to bathe in. I peel my blood bathed clothes off of my body and clean myself in the pinkish water, leaving a red trail where I swim. Cleaning myself and my clothes the best I can, I head back to my new home.

I wish that I have died in that plane, I was supposed to die, my fiance died and I was supposed to go down with him. I make my way back to camp, listening to the faint crackle of the embers and they take off on after the other into the sky, the sun has begun to set and I decided that it would be best to keep track of the days, so I find a sharp rock and carve the date 6/12/2020 into the tree, to mark the day that I reached this island, i’ll just mark days individually on a  different tree. The sky is going to bed, so I should too, I crawl into my little home and curl up in front of the fire, watching the embers drift, then disappearing into the twinkling sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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