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november 10;morning

i woke up to the sound of early rustling. i got up from bed to check what was going on and the noise grew louder as i got closer to Jisung's room. the door was wide open so i didn't need to open it myself. i went inside and saw him with a panic look, something i rarely saw.

"Jiyoon, have you seen my phone??"
"did you lose your phone?"
"i uh, i woke up and saw that it wasn't by my side!"

Jisung had a habit of always leaving his phone next to him on his bed and i was surprised that all those times it hasn't fallen off the bed. whenever i did that, i would find my phone on the floor or stuck under my pillows. don't ask me how it got into those places.

i would try and help him but i doubt i could do anything because i'm not much help when it comes to looking for things. his bedsheets were already on the floor along with pillows. i just stood in the doorway, looking from afar at the mess he made just for his phone. if i were a phone, where could i possibly be?

"check your back pocket."

he reached into his back pocket and took out exactly what he was looking for;his phone. he let out a deep sigh, not wanting to believe that he did all that, not realizing his phone was in his pocket the whole time. i tried to hold back my laughter at how stupid that was but i didn't want to risk anything bad.

"uhm, you can leave now. hurry up and get ready so we can go eat breakfast."

i hurried back to my room, doing my everyday routine, except faster and not eating breakfast just yet.

later on;

finishing up my last touches on my makeup, packing up my school bag and fixing my bed. i grabbed my belongings, going down the stairs to the living room to wait for Jisung. i was putting on my shoes when i heard him coming downstairs in his work attire. it was still 6:38 which is way too early for me to be functioning at this time.

we had finally left the house at 6:40 and walked towards the cafe. there were only a few workers present but they still greeted in an energetic tone. i sat down at a random table, just wanting to fill my stomach and then head off although i doubt there would be a bunch of people by the time i get there so i had no other choice but to stay here until whenever.

while waiting for food and drinks, i had only gone on my phone once, the rest of my time was dedicated to looking out the window at the not so busy street. i've always walked on this sidewalk way too many times that i can almost identify if something changes about it. it seems to hold a significance in my mind but just like anything else, i couldn't seem to put my head to it.

disturbing my train of thoughts, i turn back to my original position to see my brother sitting in front of me, staring directly at me.

"yooo, wtf. don't scare me like that."
"then pay attention to this beauty in front of you more."
"you wish."

he just smiled at me, but then went straight into his food. probably must've been hungry like me. after a few seconds, i slowly copied his actions and dug into my own food.

after a few moments, i had finished and checked the time once again. it was a little after 7:20, a time when students would start heading to school. i excused myself, got up from my seat, grabbing my bag and phone, bidding Jisung goodbye and headed out the door in the direction of school.

the street became more busy with more cars filling up the empty streets, students crossing the street to get to their schools on time whereas i was just taking my time. i enjoyed the fall breeze, letting it blow through my hair. a few strands were tangled but it didn't bother me. all that mattered was the fact that i had peace to myself for now.

i arrived on school campus and just like how i expected, students were getting dropped off by their parents, walking with their friends, or parking their bikes and cars into the stalls, located not far from the school entrance. hugging myself to keep me warm, i continued along the way to my homeroom, being unbothered by the commotion all around me.

the hallways were packed like always, something i had grown used to over these past few years. but i still haven't gotten over the fact that i used to be one of those people that always hung out with their friends 24/7. with nikki gone, jihye in a suspicious relationship with jinyoung, and sohee, who i guess i could consider my friend, they are all gone. jihoon is in and out so i don't have much time to talk to him.

i reached my homeroom and went straight to my seat, plopping down into the seat, settling down. placing my bag on the desk hook and my other materials in the lockers at the back of the class, i was still enjoying my peace. no one else was in this room with me at the time which i was thankful for, but it made me realize how lonely i was.

how i wish to turn back time when everything was less complicated and there were less things to deal with.

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