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november 7;nighttime

i woke up from a very harsh shake from someone no other than jisung. my vision was blurry as i had just woken up from a dream. or was it a nightmare? i don't remember it much.

jisung was sitting on the edge of my bed, with a worried look on his face. i saw that my room fan was much closer to me than it was before and that my forehead was wet with sweat. indeed it must have been a nightmare. it was very rare for me to sweat from any dream or nightmare. jisung most have seen me sweating like hell when he got home and was worried for what was going through my mind at the time, so he woke me up, preventing me from experiencing more than i should.

what did that nightmare mean though? it's not vivid in my memory but i caught myself, whispering the name of Kim Sohee. who was she and why did i keep saying her name?

" jiyoon, are you alright? "

jisung snapped me back to reality, stopping my train of thoughts again.

" yeah i'm all good. what's up? "
" nothing, just showing a little concern for my little sister. "
" i'm okay Jisung, you can go back to your room or something. "
" call me if you're feeling unwell or just need someone by your side. "

he patted my head, eventually heading off to his own room, closing it ever so slightly. i sat upright, debating what to do in the meantime. i could go back to sleep like a normal person or do something else. i don't think i could go back to sleep, but i had to think of something to do. i got up, went over to my desk, reaching for my phone.

" jihoon, are you awake? "
" jiyoon, it's 3 in the morning. go sleep. "
" can we please talk? "
" later in the morning....when we're in school "
" pleeeeease jihoon. just listen, you don't have to talk. "
" whatever. i won't guarantee i'll stay up the whole phone call. "
" okay, let me explain this.. "

november 8;morning

i ended up getting no sleep at all last night, spending about 2 hours on the phone with Jihoon, who didn't fall asleep at all but stayed awake during the phone call. when i ended it was when he went back to sleep. i felt bad but i really needed someone to talk to.

the sun hadn't risen yet, showing no signs of sunlight for now. i changed into a pair of sweats and a sweater and went outside to walk. i didn't have a set destination, so i followed where ever my feet would take me. the streets were pretty empty compared to other times and it somewhat made me feel safe. i didn't have to deal with people staring at me weirdly. for once, i felt at peace.

here i was, my 2 feet not wanting to proceed on. i stood there for a moment, taking in my surroundings. a very familiar place. one that i've seen too many times that's it's been memorized in my head.

i stood on the sidewalk in front of the cafe. where i was standing, seemed familiar too. i just couldn't tell what. but i have seen it before. was it in my dream? it felt like i was here before...with someone.

a slight headache appeared and i shook it off. probably an after effect of not getting enough sleep. i should head home before anything else happens.

my walk came to a brief stop as i was now back home, where i'm supposed to be. an hour barely passed, leaving me more than enough downtime to be productive. just kidding i have nothing to do. i could prepare for school and hopefully leave early. it doesn't sound like a bad idea but i don't quite like the thought of going to school early in the morning. i wouldn't know if anyone would be lurking around or anything like that. best option;stay home.

i was watching tv when i have received a text from jihoon, stating he wasn't feeling well and had no plans of going to school today. of course, i felt disappointed and upset at his presence not being with me today but i understood his reasoning. i texted back with a reply of, " get better " then clicked the power off button, turning my attention back to the not so interesting show.

30 minutes passed and i showed no interest of getting up and getting ready for school. i stayed in this ' comfortable ' position the whole time i was watching the show so of course i didn't want to move at all. but life decided for me to stop being a lazy potato and get off of the couch.

i proceeded into the kitchen to make breakfast, not having any idea on what to make. i scanned the refrigerator, my eyes settling on eggs. i collected them, slowly setting them on the counter, getting a pan from the cabinets. based off of past experiences, i wouldn't say i was good at cooking, neither was i bad. it was something i decided to teach myself after the many years of not having parents.

the cooked egg layed on my plate by itself with nothing else. just that. it was a bit too plain for my taste but i as long as i had something to eat for the day, i'm good. i began to munch on the fried eggs, focused on my food and nothing else. the clock read " 6:29 " and i knew that i wasn't in a rush.

after doing dishes, i walked up the stairs to my room, stopping by at Jisung's first. he was still sound asleep from what i could tell so i didn't disturb him. i went over to mines to begin packing for school and came upon a picture on my desk. it was a picture of me and a girl whose name i didn't remember but saw often. she looked familiar, as if she had a relationship with me.

i unscrewed the frame, releasing the framed picture and turning the picture around to the back, hoping to find hints. there were 2 names, inscribed nicely at the bottom corner with a date on it ,labeling,

" Yoon Jiyoon & Kim Sohee
November 3, 2013 "

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