Suddenly I feel someone touches me from behind and bring me back from my thoughts .

" Are wow ! Chupke chupke pyaar ? How romantic ! " Someone says from my behind in her asusual funny voice .

A soft smile even in this condition too comes on my lips . Chachi and her asusual melodramas .

Suddenly realisation comes to me that from tomorrow I will miss this lady too . I will miss her banter , her cooking ( thought always those were degester ) , her teasing . So I just turn around and hugs her tightly . She always makes me feel like a mother I never have .

" Manik .. Manik what happened ? " She asks with worry because of my sudden hug .

After sometimes I come out from the hug and reply back solwly " Nothing Chachi . "

" You know Manik , I maybe Chachi for Nandu but I always treated her as my daughter . And you are her Manik . Since the first day I knew that you both are ment to be . So you are also like a son to me. So if today your mother asked you what happened then too you lied to her ? So now tell me what happened ? " She asks softly .

I don't know why but I want to tell her the truth . I want to tell her everything which happened today . Maybe because I need someone to express my feelings which are killing me from inside or maybe I want her to never ever misunderstood me in future .

" Everything finished chachi . Everything . I lost everything." I replies back in a broken voice .

" What ? What are you saying ? Today you went to meet Amma na ? What did she say ? Manik tell me ? " She answers back with worry .

" She said no . Chachi she doesn't want me in her life . She said I am incapable to provide her a perfect life . A perfect family . " I relied back and break down in tears.

" What ? How could she say like these ? Amma ! How could she ? Manik , you don't worry I will talk with Nandu and everything will be alright . " She replies back and tries to comfort me .

" No Chachi .. You will not say a single thing to her. Sware on me that you will never ever say Nandu anything . I am leaving this country forever . She will be sad for me for few days but then with time she will move on . Please Chachi I really don't deserve her . She deserves better than me . Please . " I literally begging to her .

After few seconds of silence she replies " OK fine . I will not say her anything . But you need to promise me that you will stay in touch with me . No matter what you will keep contact . "

I know this time I can't say her a no . Even I too want someone in my life who will understand me which out saying anything .

" Ok Chachi. Please take care and please take care of Nandini . " I answer back .

" I will Manik . You too be safe . " She replies back .


" Manik ... Manik you here ? " Suddenly I come out from the flashback by listening her voice .

" Yes Chachi ... Actually I was thinking about something . " I reply back .

" Manik .. don't think so much . You both need each other . Don't let her go. It is your last chance . Or else I will marry her off with Aryaman . " Chachi replies back .

" Chachi. .. You know na ? I can't .... " I try to say something but she cuts me .

" Accha Manik tell me why didn't you let me tell her the truth ? Why ? " She asks .

" Chachi I want her to hate me so that she can move on . More over I don't want her to hate her Amms . I know Chachi how it feels to hate the person who is your family , I am doing it since last 20 years and I don't want her to go through she same . She doesn't deserve it . I didnot want her to hate her family with whom she is since birth for a boy whom she knew only one year. " I answers back . .

" Manik ... Manik please just think again before it too late . Nandu deserves to know the truth . She deserves to take the most important decision of her life . Do it Manik . Or else you will loose her . This time for ever . " Chachi replies back and cut the call .

Her words really put me in deep thinking . Is she right ? Am I doing wrong about not saying her the truth ? But then ? She is moving on and I just don't want to drag her  in to our past this time ! She is forgetting me . So I don't think it really matters now . Or does it ?

To be continued ....

Phew ! Updated after longgggg time . So you all have the full right to kill me . And lover over o really don't know what crap I actually wrote ? As recently I lost one of the most important person of my life and more over my personal life is going though some rough phase . So in advance I am asking sorry from all of you .


Now tell me how is the update ?

Few words about Manik ...

So the secret caller who has the contact with Manik is revealed to be Chachi . Few of you already gussed it.

Some words about Chachi ...

What do you all think did Manik do right by not letting know Nandini the truth ?

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