IV •Heated Mess•

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I look at him, my heart is aching and tears are threatening my eyes.
I should have been better at being invisible.
My front door is wide open, what am I doing.
Close the door Haylee, before it's to late. I listen to myself and start to close the door, Grayson's eyes grow dark and stare into mine.

"What are you doing Haylee, don't you dare shut me out" I hesitate, I can barely see him and the door is almost closed. He's searching my eyes to see if I'm kidding or bluffing. Sad thing is, I'm not laughing this isn't a joke.

"Goodbye Grayson, Please leave" my throat tightens at the thought, I'm inches from closing the door until his foot stops it from closing.
"Grayson what are you doing?" I step back as he makes his way into my house "Princess, I thought you promised you wouldnt tell me what to do?" His eyes are deep and threatening, he takes a step towards me and I take a step back. He raises an eye brow at me, as if confused with the action I had just done.

"Are you scared of me?" He has backed me into a wall by now and im nervous, my mouth suddenly goes dry and I look down to avoid his eyes and stutter "N-no I'm n-not" he places a had on one side of my head and uses the other to pick up my chin.
"You should be" he grumbles at me.

He grins at me and I'm just frozen, what do I do? Suddenly he picks me up by my thighs making my legs wrap around him, I'm pinned up against the wall and Grayson's chest.
I feel a sensation run through my body when his mouth hits my neck and he's hands run up my legs and resting a firm grip on my ass.
Am I seriously enjoying this? He practically let some creep attempt to touch me.

"My mark has deepend colour on your skin-" he growls at me and laughs dangerously low "- Good, your mine"
Grayson pushes his body closer towards me, we are both panting, his lips come close to mine and brush along them. I can see him hesitating to I push lightly on his chest and he stumbles back slightly not knowing that is what I was going to do.

My legs hit the ground, i needed air and time to think, Grayson looks at me puzzled.
"What am I not good enough Haylee? Am I not bad enough for you?" He is shaking now and I'm scared.

"Grayson that's not it at all i-" I stop middle sentence and I let my eyes fall to the ground and then I realise I'm strong than this, I wasn't raised to be no little bitch "- no you know what Grayson? Fuck you! I'm sick of all these games you play with me, first you hate me and do awful things and then the next your grabbing me and picking me up and pinning me against things, you know I heard your little conversation with dylan this afternoon you jerk! "Your right dyl, Go for it" pretty sure that's what you said right Grayson? You don't care about me and you never will, I'm not stupid and if your friend ever trues to touch me again I won't hesitate to take you to the police. IM NOT A TOY!" I scream the last part at him and I didn't even realise I was crying I was so frustrated. His face goes from hard and cold to soft and concerned, he reaches for me but stops half way when he see's me flinch, hurt swipes across his face. I feel bad but today I'm broken and I am not okay.

He doesn't even apologise, Ofcourse.
I walk towards the door and he follows me, giving me a bit of distance. I'm grateful, I open the door wide and just stand there, leaning my weight against the door and he starts to leave but hovers in the door way.

"I'm sorry if he hurt you, that wasn't my intention Haylee" he is looking down, I'm caught off guard, I didn't think he was going to apologize. My face softened and I replied to him.
"I get it Grayson, it's fine.." his face hardens and leaves without another word. I move off the door and slowly close it, hearing the click softly ring through the house.

I slide down the door and sob quitely. This can't be happening to me, I wipe my tears off of my face and get up, I decided that I needed another shower to just calm down. I pick my mac book up and trudge back up stairs.
I peel off my clothes and jump in letting the hot water hit my back and team up the bathroom.

After 20 more minutes of crying and then washing my hair, I get out, get into PJs and crawl under the covers of my king size bed, deciding on Netflix a I boot up my PlayStation and turned on the tv.
Looking around the room i could see that my PS4 remote was on my dresser on the other side of the room groaning I get out of the warm embrace of my blankets and go over to dresser.

I see my phone is fashing, I flip it over and press the power button, there is a text message from an unknown number.

Text message received at 6:54 pm

Unknown: Despite how you feel about me you are mine and only mine. I will break anyone's neck if they lay a finger on you baby girl.
Don't doubt me.

I stand there shocked, this isn't Dylan is it? My heart is racing.

Me: Who is this? More importantly how did you get my number!?

I wait a few minutes growing impatient but then I received a text from the unknown person.

Unknown: You know who I am Princess, look out your bed room window.

I hesitate and gulp hard. I walk over ot the double french glass doors I have and pull right side of the curtain away to reviel one of the doors.

Me: I'm looking.

Unknown: Come out baby girl.

I must be crazy, I open the door and step out. I see Grayson standing there.
I groan loudly "why are you back here Grayson?" I mutter looking at the ground.
"Can I come in Hay?" My breathing stopped, did he just give me a nickname?
I nod slowly and walk back inside gesturing for him to follow me.
We step back in my room and I close the door after Grayson walks in, I start fiddling with my fingers watching him look around my room and then back at me.

He steps towards me this time I don't move, he snakes one arm around my back and pulls me towards him, I can tell he is nervous.
I lean up to his ear and whisper ever so gently
"Are you nervous about something Gray?" His eyes immediately meet mine and there is something that shines out of them, its lust.

Softly, I wrap my arms around his neck and push him until he is sitting in the chair in my room and I begin to straddle him, my voice low and close "Do I make you nervous Gray?" I can see him swallow hard and I can feel the goosebumps on his skin raise up at the nickname he asked me to call him by.

I move my mouth down to his and stop when I'm only inches away "Do you want to kiss me?" I whisper, he nods slowly.
His hands glide up my legs softly and then they hit the small of my back to pull me closer.
I lean in, it felt like liquid fire corsing throughout my veins, I move closer and rake my hands through his hair and tug slightly and he moans against my lips, his mouth parts slightly to deepen the kiss, out tounges fight for dominance, I lost oviously. We break apart, the only sound you hear is the reapid breathing that surrounds the room. He stands up wraps my legs around his waist and puts me back on my bed.

He's standing there are the end of the bed, his lips are a deep red and very plump from befores heated make out session and I blush.
"I better go, I'll see you tomorrow Haylee" and with that he is gone, I get up and rush to my balcony door after him but it's just he just vanished.

Grayson is all over the place, but why the sudden change Gray?

Will Gray and Haylee ever talk again?

Find out next time!

Hey guys!

Double update today!

I hope you all enjoyed that one? What do you thinks gotten into Grayson?

Let me know what you think of today's chapter! Comment vote.

Ave xx

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