Projecting fears

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I rode with the Losers back to Bill's garage. He set up a map of the Darry sewers. I sat in between Richie and Eddie. I looked at the map. "That's where Georgie was taken." I felt bad for Billy. I don't know if Georgie or Kylie was even alive. If any of the kids that were taken were alive. "They all connect to-" "The house on Neilbolt." "I don't like this." Eddie said. He got up and took the map down. "What the hell Eddie put the map back." Billy yelled. "Eds please put the map back." He shook my head and his gave softened when it got to me. The picture changed. I turned to Bill. "What are you doing?" "Nothing." He said. It kept changing until it got to a picture of them at church. It zoomed in on Georgie then on Bill's mom. Her hair went everywhere. Eddie backed up freaking out. It turned into the clown. "What the hell is that thing." I hugged Eddie. It's teeth bared as it looked at me. It grabbed my leg. Bill kicked the projector as I screamed. "Diana." Eddie and Richie yelled someone opened the garage and he disappeared. My hair was in my face. I got up and hugged the closest person which was Eddie. "Well come on." Bill said. "We know where it is." I nodded and got on my bike first riding there. "Ana wait up." They said. So us Losers were about to kill a demon. Seems fun. 

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