Rock war

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I rode with the rest of the Loser's club down the road until Bev said, "Hey isn't that that homeschooled kids bike." We nodded "Oh shit. That's belch's car." I said. "We have to help him." "We to help him." "We do?" Richie asked. "Yes!" Me and Bev said running. We saw the homeschooled kid on the ground. "Hey!" I yelled throwing a rock at Henry. "You losers are trying to hard. You just gotta ask nicely. Like I did." Beverly looked down as i threw another rock. It hit him giving homeschooled a chance to crawl over to us. "ROCK WAR." Richie yelled getting hit in the face with a rock. Rocks flew back and forth. I tried to dodge them. Soon it was only Henry. He backed away. We helped homeschooled up "You shouldn't have done that he'll be after you to." "Oh no. Bowers he's always after us." "What's your name homeschooled." "Mike." "Well  Mike this is Eddie Richie Bill Ben and Bev and I'm Diana Zelepinia." I smiled. "Well homeschooled welcome to the Losers club." Richie said as we all smiled.

Here's my inhaler (Eddie Kaspbrak)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang