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Bev called us all over to her house for something important. Me and the other Losers biked over. "Hey Bev what happened." I asked. "I have something to show y'all. We gotta hurry. Dad would kill me if he found out I had boys in the apartment." She said "W-we'll leave a l-look out. Richie stay here." "What if her dad comes." "Do what you always do. Start talking." Stan said as we were walking up. "It is a gift." Richie said. We walked to Bev's bathroom. "Holy shit. What the fuck happened here." I asked when I saw the scene. Crimson red blood covered the walls floor and ceiling. "W-well. Let's get to cleaning."  Bill said and that's just what we did. This stuff was disgusting. We finally finished and walked back out. I took my hair out of the hair tie. Eddie was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing Anna." I smiled at him. I was a bit shorter but not by much. "Took you long enough." Richie commented. "I love being a personal doorman." "Good." I said. "Shut up Diana." "Make me Tozier." "Well I wasn't the one down here imagining that the sink went off like Eddie's moms vagina on Halloween." I rolled my eyes. "She didn't imagine it. I saw something to." G-georgie but it wasn't him it was like this-" "clown. Yeah I saw it to." Eddie said. I didn't experience what they must have. "Wait can only virgins only see this stuff. Is that you I'm not seeing this shit." Richie said. "Oh shit." I cursed as I saw Bowers car. "Hey isn't that the homeschooled kids bike." "We gotta help him." "We do." Eddie asked. "Yes." We ran. Beverly threw a rock at Bowers. "Rock war." Richie shouted before getting hit in the head. Rocks flew back and forth. I tried doging them as the homeschooled kid who's name I think is Mike crawled over. It was only Bowers. We walked off but not before Richie yelled "Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole." And putting his two middle fingers up. "You shouldn't have done that he'll be after you." "Oh no Bowers. He's always after us." I said. "Welcome to the Losers club homeschool." Richie said.
A/n: back from the dead. Schools been a bitch. I'll update tomorrow/today goodnight cupcakes

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