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P R E V I O U S L Y   O N   W H A T   H A P P E N E D   T H A T   N I G H T
Finally, after all of those torturous days looking for my lost love, Julian, I finally found him. But not the same. He was bruised and beaten, and we had to make up a story about a suicide kidnapper. It was really intense, but finally, we as amazing seventeen year olds, came up with a way to make them believe the stories. We sit in peace together, waiting for the sun to set.

7  Y E A R S   L A T E R


I sit and stare at the sunset on my wedding day. Next to my wife, Rachel, who has been through so much with me. We've been together for eight years in total. The best eight years of my life. After my Accident, Rachel and I did everything together. But tonight, our wedding. Something didn't feel right.

When I came out of Shadows, I felt different, like I can sense Shadows. I felt the same tingle I get whenever a Shadow was near. We only had close people here at our wedding, so there must be someone lurking in the shadows nearby. I ignore the weird feeling because I didn't want Rachel to worry.

"I love you, Julian. After everything... I don't want things coming between us. It's only me + you = forever. We both need to remember that." says Rachel. She had some pretty deep feelings for me, vice versa.

"I love you too, Rachel. Is that what your new name should be? Rachel Badazzle?" I say and she laughs.

"Don't ever call me that again before I slap you" she says as she punches my arm. I giggle again.

T H E   N E X T   M O R N I N G


I lie there in my bed, staring at my new husband, Julian. I touch his face, give him a kiss on the forehead and go into our kitchen to make breakfast. I begin to make an original pancake recipe that my grandmother always used before she passed.



- 2 eggs
- 1 3/4 cup of milk
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
- 2 cups self-raising flour
- 1/3 cup caster sugar
- Butter, for frying, plus extra to serve
- Maple syrup and vanilla ice cream (or other choices of toppings)

Step 1

Whisk eggs, milk and vanilla together in a jug. Sift flour into a large bowl. Stir in sugar. Make a well in the centre. Add milk mixture. Whisk until just combined.

Step 2

Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Grease pan with butter or spray with cooking oil. Using 1/4 cup mixture per pancake, cook 2 pancakes for 2 minutes or until bubbles appear on surface. Turn and cook for a further 1-2 minutes or until cooked through. Transfer to a plate. Cover loosely with foil to keep warm. Repeat with remaining mixture, greasing pan with butter or cooking oil between batches.

Step 3

Add your toppings and enjoy!

10  M I N U T E S   L A T E R

After I set the table with the food, I sit and wait for Julian who appears a minute later.

"Morning. Thank goodness you made breakfast. I've got to go to work in half an hour, so I have time this morning" he says. Julian worked as an accountant, while I work as a lawyer and a part-time worker at Barnes and Noble.


I sit there on my desk, working over the phone with my client, Kelly. That's when I start to feel the weird tingle again. Something strikes the back of my head, and everything went black.

What Happened That NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora