Five || Made for You

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yes, ma'am." 

She hands me the briefcase, along with a slip a paper with Rome's room number on it. I glance at it on my way, just to make sure - even though everybody knows that he's inhabiting the King's Suite on the top floor. 

I step into one of the main elevators, since I don't know where the servant ones are. The doors start to close but the man already in the elevator holds them open for me. I hurry inside. 

"Thank you." 

"Of course," His eyes land on my maid uniform, the silver-plated name tag above my chest, and finally lands on my face. "Which floor?" 

"Eighteen, please." 

The man slides his hands into the pockets of his shorts. "You must work for a powerful person." 

"You can say that," I keep my answer vague, just in case. "Which floor are you in?" 

"This one," He says as the elevator dings. It's the fifth floor. "My wife and I are having a honeymoon."

"Hope you enjoy." 

"I hope so too," He strides away, knocking on the third door in the hall. 

I have enough time to see his wife fly into his arms before the elevator doors slide shut. With a small smile on my face, I look at the mirror in the elevator. The bags under my eyes are terribly large. But after today, I'll sleep for twelve hours straight. No, fifteen hours. 

It takes another minute before the doors open again. 

I enter a thin hallway, with the King and Queen suites at the end, filled with shimmering crystals and thick black carpet. As per usual, Rome's two bodyguards stand outside of the door. I skim over their faces. The first one on the left I don't recognize, but the second - 

Something about him sticks out to me. Maybe it's the face tattoos. He has a picture of crescent moon and clouds on his right cheek, a blackened heart below his left ear and something written across his forehead. As I grow closer, I see that it says DOWN WITH THE GODS. 

Something nags at my brain. 

I've seen him before. Where? On TV? In Wasteland? 

"Hello," I greet them with a smile. Maybe the bodyguard with the face tattoo will recognize me and smile back.

Instead, giving away nothing, he rumbles, "I'll need your identity, ma'am." 

"Sure," I take my tablet out of my pocket and hand it to him. 

He must be on TV then, because I know I've seen that tattoo before. But where? What could Down with the Gods even mean? It sounds sinister - 

oh my god. 

It's the Anti-Super. 

The Anti-Super that Nick and Elliot Abernathy were talking about back in the bar the other day. They were hunting him down. What was his name? I can't remember. What's he doing here? Why is he guarding Rome's suite?  

"Ma'am," He directs my attention back to him by reaching for the briefcase. "We'll take it from here." 

"N-no!" I tuck the briefcase under my arms. He narrows his eyes at me, making the letters on his forehead scrunch together. My heart beats relentlessly in my chest. I take a deep breath, then stutter out, "A-actually, Madame Abernathy ordered me to deliver this to Rome Abernathy in person." 

He eyes me for a second, then steps aside. "I see." 

"Thank you." 

I step inside the room, making sure they close the doors properly. 

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