04 ⁞ forbidden fruit

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" I then take a hit to calm down my constant anxiety.

"Since you guys moved here Ethan and Lip have been hanging out non stop. They became extremely close, and the fact that you're his twin doesn't make it easy for Lip." I blow out smoke waiting for more. "You're the forbidden fruit."

"What does he see in Karen?" I pass the joint, and he rolls his eyes.

"Karen is just convenient and easy." I fell back on the bed and pursed my lips. "Lip really likes you I can tell. I think everyone can but you and Ethan." He laughs.

"Why do I torture myself like this?!" I complain.

"Didn't you promise not to be involved with anyone? You need to stop caring if Lip likes you and love yourself. Relationships suck, what's the point." I shoot up and hold myself up with my elbows.

"Thank you, Ian. Are you and Mickey okay?" I ask.

"I never know with him." I lean into Ian with a comforting hug, and the door opens revealing Lip.

"Ian, I thought you were gay?" Lip jokes. I roll my eyes and pack all the weed and money up.

"I'm going to head home; it's really late. Lip, where's Ethan?" I asked while putting on my jean jacket.

"He's actually going to a house of some girl he hit it off with downstairs, so he asked me to take you home." Lip flashes me a big smile.

I couldn't take it anymore, and I did not want to end up alone with Lip. That was the last thing that needed to happen. The fact that he's so charming and attractive doesn't quite help me with my dilemma.

"No need. I'm perfectly capable of going home alone anyway." I flash a big smile back mocking him.

"Not going to happen." Lip sternly says.

I look behind Lip to Ian hoping he can save me, "Ian?" I ask.

"Sorry, I'm meeting up with Mandy." He shrugs.

There was no way I could go home with Ian if he were going to see Mandy Skankovich. I thought since I'm friends with the Gallaghers she would be inviting and nice, but she's a total bitch that hates me. Why? Because I'm apparently some privileged plastic, or that's what she refers me as. Even though I live on the south side and have a weed business with my brother she sees it as, once a rich girl always a rich girl.

It's honestly her loss anyways. I'm not even that way at all, but not many can see past that. She doesn't like me? That's fine, and she can stand in line with all the other bitches in Chicago who don't seem to like me.

I look back at Lip seeing that his arms were crossed and he was serious about taking me home. But guess what? I don't fucking care. I can take care of myself.

"Goodbye Ian, I'm going home by myself because I'm not a fucking child," I admit that comment itself was childish, but I was trying to make a point.

I walk out with the holographic book bag rested on my shoulders. I pushed passed drunk teenagers down the hallway and the stairs.

"Ellie! Wait up!" I hear Lip call out after me over the loud music but continued to walk out the house.

My stomach drops as I get hit by a truck that's called anxiety. I hated being around large crowds but not if I'm under the influence. Lip killed my high, so I had to suffer while walking past the horny teenagers who reeked of booze.

"Ellie!" I turn around seeing Lip up my ass.

"What?" I bark at him. A second later the girl that was all over him earlier grabs his arm drunk as fuck.

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