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Alex's POV

No no no! Of all days for me to have a breakdown it's the day I move into my dorm. Alex breathe! 1.....2....3...4...5...6....7....8......9....10
There, at least this was just a small one and thankfully no one seems to have noticed anything.
"Alex!" A familiar voice called my name. I couldn't help but smile. I knew that voice all too well.
We ran and embraced each other. I haven't seen her or the other Schuyler Sisters all summer and now here Peggy is right in front of me.
"Where have you been we've missed you?! You didn't call or text at all this summer I was really worried"
"I know, I know. I wanted to call I really did know how John gets."
"You mean you're still with him?"
"Where am I gonna go? He knows where I am 24/7 he tracks my phone and everything."
Peggy gave me a tight, understanding hug. When she let go I felt a hand grab my ass.
"Hey baby~"  It was John. I wanted to run but I knew it would be no good.
"H-hey love." I choked on the word.
"Have you found your dorm yet?"
"Uh yeah, 102b"
"Damn your a whole floor below me. Granted that's not the only time your under me." John said in a rather mocking tone. God when did it get so bad? What happened to the John I fell in love with? He's gone and I can't escape this new version. We've been dating for about 3 years now and for the first year he was the sweetest guy on the planet, but when I caught him cheating on me with Maria Reynolds he changed.
"Hey Alex, I'll catch up with you later okay?" Peggy broke my train of thought.
"Yes of course! We'll have to compare schedules later." I smiled. Peggy hugged me, gave John a look he didn't see and left. Now it was just me and him.
"Go on to your dorm before your roommate takes the good bed. I'll text you later. I love you Alex."
I hated my name in his mouth, but I had a chance to get away from him so I took it. I went up to my dorm. My roommate wasn't there yet so I got first pick of the bed. I wonder who my roommate is hopefully Lafayette or Hercules or someone. I'm just glad it's not John.

Thomas's POV

"Thomas baby, what dorm are you in?"
"102b, you?"
"I'm on the next floor up. Looks like we won't be roomies after all. What a shame."
Thank god! I couldn't bare to share a room with him. Yes I know me and James Madison are a couple but he's extremely abusive. I've ended up in the hospital at least twelve times because his beatings went to far. He police never believed me when I tried to get away but they were never in the room where it happened. They didn't have bruises covering half their body because they put a tiny bit too much cheese on a plate of spaghetti.
"THOMAS!" I was broken from my thoughts.
"Yes James?"
"You were staring off into space again."
"Oh...I'm sorry."
"You look really stupid when you do that I hope you know. Just like when you don't wear sleeves and everyone can see how pathetic you are with all those scars."
I clenched my teeth. The only reason I did that was because of him. He's as bad as my father was, a drunk abusive asshole.
"Go on get to your dorm. I'll text you later tonight okay?"
"O-okay James." I stuttered out and headed to my dorm as quick as I could. I had to get away from him any way possible. I got up to my dorm. Who do I see when I open the door? None other than my ever secret crush Alexander Hamilton. I get him as my roommate?!? Maybe this is my chance to get a new start. To get away from James! Don't get ahead of yourself Thomas! You don't even know if he'd like you that way.
"Helloooooo? Earth to Jefferson?" Alex's voice broke my thoughts. God I love his voice.
"Oh..Sorry Hamilton. I guess I was spacing out again. I'll try not to do it too much."
"What do you mean?"
"Um...well....I'm sure I look like an idiot just standing there staring at nothing.."
"Nah. We all zone out every now and then. I got here first so I already claimed my bed." He stuck his tongue out at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. Maybe this year won't be so bad.

Hey guys! It's been a minute since I've posted a story and I'm sorry to anyone who was reading my old stories. I know I deleted them but I was going through a tough time but I'm back now! I hope y'all enjoy this and I will see you in the next chapter.
Love, D

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