Chapter 3: School

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(Quick reminder! In this story BTS goes to school and all are in the same school as you)

Y/n's P.O.V
I get up to my alarm 'eW 5:30AM ugh' I think to myself as I get up, and wake up Namjoon "hey beautiful" he says "how are you able to be flirty when it's so early" I say as I get dressed into my school uniform then go brush my teeth, and my (h/l) hair and then I do my makeup and go downstairs with Namjoon. I check my phone for the time '6:45am.. we need to leave by 7 so we can buy lunch.." I think as we greet Jungkook and Tae "okay I'm gonna quickly get my things together then we can leave okay?" I tell them "okay!" They all say in unison. I get my bag "Guys I'm ready to go!" I say and we head out and I lock the house.

As we're walking to school Jungkook and Tae are ahead so Namjoon decides to try to make me blush "you should sell hotdogs." He says "uh. Why?" I ask "because you already know how to make a weiner stand" he says smirking "Ahhhhhh noooo" I yell as I bury my burning face in my hands as we arrive at school we walk to our class and sit beside each other. All the girls who are early see Namjoon talking to me and they glare at me 'oh well' I think as Namjoon continues "oH oH I got one!!" He yells "your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?" He says, I blush a lot " I uH.. uHm.." I stutter as the bell goes off 'literally saved by the bell' I think as the teacher starts calling names for role call.

Time Skip to break/ lunch

I pack up my stuff from my desk and Namjoon stands beside me waiting "you're pretty" he says out of the blue as I blush 'why is my heart beat quickening..?' I thought "let's go!" I say as we walk to the cafeteria, and buy lunch and go to sit under a tree outside for shade as
Namjoon follows "so have you fallen for me yet?" He asks as he lays his head on my lap. I blush and change the topic "so about the-" I start talking as a girl's voice interrupted "Hi Y/n~" she said in a sing song voice. Namjoon looked at me as if to say 'who is this' I shrugged "um who are you?" I asked bluntly she gasped "I-I've been in your class forever we're besties~~" she said practically crying "uh but what's your name?" I asked "oh.. my name Song Hyun Jae" she replied, I closed my eyes and thought 'hmm nope I have no idea who this is..?' I thought as she cleared her throat to get my attention "aren't you going to introduce me" she asked referring to Joonie 'oH she's using me, okay then.." I thought "no" I said and she just stared at me then got mad and walked off to her friends as Namjoon tried to keep in his laughter "you can laugh" I said to him and he burst out laughing which made me laugh "after school let's go on a date." He said "but what about our uniforms..?" I replied "we can go in them" he said "okay" I replied. The bell rings signaling that class was starting. We walked to class and sat down then the teacher started to do attendance

~After Class~

Namjoon and I got ready to go and he held my hand, he held it tightly so that I could pull away. I was blushing the whole time "Let's go to the dog cafe?" He asked "YES PLEASE" I yelled. I love dogs, he laughed "okay." He replied as we walked there. We got there and I ordered a strawberry shake and I played with the dogs and Namjoon ordered a chocolate shake and played with the dogs too. I watched him as he picked one of them up and did dad things like picking them up and making rocket sounds for them 'he'd make an amazing dad..' I thought as I watched. Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked over and it was that girl from earlier "wanna introduce me now. I know you like him and I'll tell him if you don't introduce me now." She grinned evilly "oh you're afraid I'll steal him from you. That's probably gonna happen because I'm hot and you're so damn ugly." She whispered "not introducing you." I replied terrified that she's going to tell him and he's over me "have it your way" she whispers "Hey! You! You know this girl right here likes you right?" She says "you can let her down easy because I know she's super ugly and you would definitely be better off with me" she says as I get up ready to leave but Namjoon grabs my arm "is it true Y/n? Do you like me?" He asks. I nod my head "y-yes.. I like you.." I reply and he hugs me "FINALLY!" He yells "I love you so much" I cry into his chest because I thought he got over me "I-I thought you were over me.. I was scared. I love you too" I say "then Y/n.. will you be my girlfriend?" He asks "yes" I reply as Hyun Jae stares at me angrily "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO ASK ME TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND UGH" she yelled as the staff escorted her out because she was being loud "we should go home" I said "yeah it's getting late. I'm gonna make dinner!" He said "are you sure? Remember the last time you cooked for me? You set the boiling water on fire." I replied jokingly "YAH! That was one time" he said pouting "aww I'm just joking" I said holding his hand as we left "also you looked like a dad with the puppies" I said "I'd rather be a daddy" he said. I blushed and tried to cover my face "t-that's not fai r" I say as we arrive home "oh Jungkook already made dinner" I say "Sorry Joonie" he looks at me "well there's something else I wanna do" he says looking at my lips "fine.." he kisses me and I kiss back "YAH NAMJOON HYUNG YOU DID IT!" Someone yells. I pull out of the kiss and see Taehyung "oh uh hi Tae" I say as we walk in still holding hands "oh hEY NAMJOON HYUNG YOU ASKED HER!!" He practically screamed "well anyways I made some homemade ramen" he said "OH YES I LOVE THIS!" I yelled as I grabbed a bowl of it and ate it "ahh~ that was so good~" I said as I wash my dishes and put them away then went up and showered. I then got into a t-shirt and short shorts and brushed my teeth then layed on my bed. Namjoon came in and did the same except he wore some shorts. No shirt. He layed down and I snuggled into him. I slowly started closing my eyes "I love you Y/n" I heard "I love you too.." I said as I fell asleep

Sorry for like dying I had school and that was a shit show at the end of last semester I had to raise my grades or else I would have to leave clubs that I really enjoy like anime club and kpop club. I still have to raise my grades but it's really just math and Geography I have a 60 in math and a 72 in geography right now I really want a 70 in math and I'm hoping for an 80 or something in geography. Oh dang I'm rambling, sorry anyways see you guys again :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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