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Lauren's POV:

I blink my eyes open but I still see black. At first the darkness in the room had me in dismay but soon the huge weight of pressure over my bones, the pain, the excruciating pain coursing through my body is what concerned me most.

I can't move.

Where the fuck am I?

Where's my assistant?

My helicopter?

I try to lift up with no success as a sharp pain shoots through my entire right side and I know . I'm almost afraid to move another inch to see where the rest of this pain is coming from. My arms are tied behind my back but my legs are free.

I remember my helicopter. Flying low to get a closer look at the view, when we lost control.

"Anyone... in here?" My voice comes out quiet and hoarse as the pain in feeling takes over in that moment.

I remember it catching fire and having to emergency land. After that it's a complete blur.

"Miss Jauregui, is that you?" I hear the familiar voice of my assistant.

"Ros, what's happened? Are you tied up as well?"

"Yes... yes" now he sounds panicked, rushed and hopeful "Miss Jauregui they drugged you, someone was after you. The helicopter crash wasn't your fault they hacked the engines. We have to find a way out"

This all sounds absurd and my head is pulsating and spinning. This was all a set up? I could name a complete list of people who have it out for me but the list disappears when the question of who is bold enough to go up against me is asked.

My team, my security, my record and name alone keeps me safe. So who the FUCK was dauntless enough to set me up.


I hear that word from somewhere within me.

Never trust anyone.

It was Ros' idea to fly the helicopter lower anyway.

"Were you a part of this shit?" I hiss through my teeth.

"No! Noo Miss Jauregui, I'm loyal to you. I've always been" at first his voice was loud and alarmed at the accusation but he lowers it "I'm trying to help you. To help us. I've been up and I've heard them talking they're trying to ruin you."

"What did you hear? Who did you see?"

"They all had on black masks, all black to hide their identities. I'm not sure but I believe a woman is behind all of this" his voice is strained and I know he's in pain too. "They're after Normani as well, they're trying to hurt you where you feel most. That's what I heard ma'am"


Oh no.

"Approximately how long have we been here Ros?"

"Hours ma'am" he groans.

For the first time since I've been awake we hear something other than our two voices and we both freeze, lying completely still with our hands tied behind our backs.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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