Chapter Seven:

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Alice's POV:

As Jax and I got out of the van, I grabbed both bags, slipped on my aviators and put a whole lot of arrogance into my step. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gemma and Tara standing in the doorway of the office, staring at Jax and I as we walked to the clubhouse together. I could feel Tara shooting daggers into my back. That look boosted my confidence even more than I ever thought something as silly as that could. She was jealous of me, it was a feeling I'd never experienced before, and it was amazing. I let a smug smile crawl across my face and continued on my way.

Jax and I strode into the safe room and dropped all four bags onto the table in front of Clay, da and the rest of the club. I said nothing. Clay stood up and inspected each bag carefully, then sat back down and eyed me up and down. 'You did good kid. I'm impressed. I see you took on some damage too, what happened?" "Nothing important. It was taken care of and disposed of properly. No need to worry." I watched as everyone exchanged looks, looks of complete awe. I'd never felt so proud of myself for keeping my face expressionless, when all I wanted to do was grin like the cat who ate the canary. "VP, she held her own, did she?" "She's good, Clay. I don't know what else I can say, other than she'll be the best asset to the club we could ask for."

I kept my eyes on Clay the entire time, and he kept his on me. "You've got the VP's approval, and now you have mine. All in favor of voting Alice in now, say yes." astounded by what was happening but still keeping it off my face, I glanced at my da. He looked just as astounded as everyone else. But, one by one, every single member voted yes, including Clay. He pounded his gavel and stood up, opening his arms up to me. I approached cautiously, and held out my hand instead. He let out a laugh. "Girl, you're part of this club, we're family so you're going to have to get used to hugging people." he held his arms out once again, and I stepped into a hug, a surprisingly tender one.

After I stepped back, da came up behind me and held up a leather jacket with the reaper patch and all my member patches. I slipped off my old worn out leather jacket, and let my da help me into the other. I let a smile cross my face. It fit better than anything I'd ever worn in my life. Everyone let out a yell of excitement and clapped. My da turned me around and hugged me tightly, and I returned it. Then, one by one, each member did the same. Jax was the last to do so, and as he did he whispered, "Meet me outside on the top of the clubhouse roof at 1am, I have something for you." he stepped back and gave me a crooked smile, then walked away. I eyed him and he went up to my da and hugged him tightly. That boy confused me more and more each day.

That night on the clubhouse roof...

I climbed my way up the ladder on the side of the clubhouse, and found Jax sitting there waiting for me. I slowly walked over and stood off to the side of his vision. "Did you know that was going to happen today, boy?" I questioned, placing my hands in the back pockets of my black skinny jeans. "I didn't." I cocked my head to the side, confused. "If you didn't, then why do you have something for me?" he smiled as he took a puff of his cigarette. "I had already intended to give this to you when we got back. Come sit." he said, gesturing to the spot next to him. I sat down next to him and pulled out my own smokes. He handed me a lighter before I had a chance to dig one from my pocket. "Thanks." I took a long drag, then exhaled slowly.

"Now, what is it you want to give me?" he picked something up on the other side of him, then placed it on my lap. It was knife, a British Army knife non the less. "What's this for, boy?" he never looked at me, just puffed on his cigarette and smiled. "Jax, what do I need this knife for?" I prompted. He slowly turned his head and looked at me, that smile still on his face. "It was your dad's, he gave it to me a few years ago. He said he had always intended to give it to you when you were old enough to use it. But when he thought you died, he tucked it away and never looked at it again until we became close. He gave it to me because I was the closest thing to a child he ever had after losing both of his. Now that you're here, I want you to have it. It was always intended for you." I picked up the knife, unable to speak, astounded by Jax's thoughtfulness. It was something I never had expected to see in him. "Jax, I-I don't know what to say-" "Nothing, it rightfully belongs to you, Alice. You deserve to have it after all these years." I choked back a tear, I couldn't believe his kindness towards me. He turned his eyes back to the lot in front of him, then slowly slipped his left arm around my shoulder. Against all instincts, I leaned into it, letting him comfort me. "Thank you, boy." I said softly as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "You're welcome, Telford."

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