The Adventure of the Blood-Sucking Leech

Start from the beginning

Abigail didn't answer and just took a whiff out of her cigarette.

Sherlock pulled her close to him by the waist. "Abigail Wright, I love you. You have nothing to worry about because my heart will and always will belong to you. I shouldn't use it too much, which is why I've entrusted you too keep it safe."

Abigail smiled and kissed him. "I love you Sherlock Holmes."

The next morning, Abigail arrived at the flat to find Sherlock moping around the flat wearing only a bed sheet. "What are you doing?" Abigail asked.

"I don't feel well." Sherlock replied and collapsed.

Abigail dragged Sherlock to his bed and texted John. He replied, apologising because he couldn't help because he was tending to their baby whilst Mary was on a business trip. Abigail sat beside Sherlock and checked his temperature. He was burning up. She ran to the bathroom and soaked a face towel in warm water.

Sherlock began to regain consciousness when Abigail put the towel on his forehead. "What is this?" He exclaimed taking the towel off of his forehead and throwing it onto the floor.

"It was supposed to make you feel better." Abigail told him.

Sherlock chuckled. "I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine."

"You did just faint a few minutes ago." Abigail said. "I wouldn't exactly consider that as 'fine'."

Sherlock tried to sit up, but failed and fell on his back. "Damn it."

"You need to rest, love." Abigail told him, caressing his face. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

"No, no, you go home." Sherlock replied. "You don't need to take care of me"

Abigail kissed the top of his head. "It's alright, Sherlock. I've got nothing to do anyways."

Sherlock smiled. "Fine, but you shouldn't stick around me too much. I might be contagious."

"Where did you catch it anyways?" Abigail asked.

Sherlock propped himself up. "I think I might've gotten pricked by one of the poisoned darts yesterday and it's already gone into my bloodstream. I took some antibiotics last night, so it's just a matter of time until the drugs take effect and I'll be in good shape."

Abigail got up off of the bed. "Do you want me to make you some tea?"

Sherlock nodded back. When Abigail came back with his chai, he looked at her, concerned. "I'm sorry I couldn't take you out to dinner." Sherlock told her.

"It's okay." Abigail told him.

Sherlock smiled. "You know, I don't believe in perfection. Perfection is just a illusion created by man to explain what seems most attractive to society. Even my mind isn't perfect, there are some glitches here and there. But in my opinion, you are perfectly imperfect."

Abigail scoffed, tears filling her eyes. "It still amuses me how you can say such lovely things after I pointed a gun at you and almost sold you to Moriarty."

"It's because I love you." Sherlock told her. "Love makes it all worthwhile in the end."

"I thought you didn't believe in love." Abigail said.

Sherlock smirked. "Just because I don't believe in love, doesn't mean I don't feel it."

The next morning, Sherlock woke up to find no Abigail in sight. He thought she had just gone back to her apartment to get something, but then he found a note stabbed with a knife onto the kitchen table.

Come and play with me and Abby upstairs.

Moriarty, x.

Sherlock, unarmed, ran upstairs into Abigail's bedroom as fast as he could. The door swung open and he found Moriarty talking to Abigail quite casually. "What the hell is going on here?" Sherlock demanded.

"Good morning Sherlock." Abigail said, toying with a gun. "Do you like my surprise?"

"What?" Sherlock asked.

Moriarty pulled Abigail closer by the waist. "Tell him, darling."

Abigail kissed Moriarty on the lips and turned to Sherlock. "I was never on your side, Sherlock. It was so fun playing with you, but I just couldn't bear to not be with Jim here. I mean, you were a great distraction. But I want a man who's not so, how should I put this, sentimental."

"Funny, Sherlock. It only took a skilled assassin to bring you to your knees." Moriarty said, then turned to Abigail. "Literally."

Sherlock faced Abigail. "You lied to me, twice. How could I not see it? But how come you didn't kill me the first time?"

"I needed your trust. You couldn't see through me because I'm just that good." Abigail replied. "You've disappointed me, Sherlock. I thought you would see through my facade. But you didn't." She turned to Jim. "You were right, love, he is normal."

"I told you." Moriarty said, nuzzling the skin on Abigail's neck. "Now shall we begin?"

"Certainly." Abigail answered before turning to Sherlock. "Now tell me, Mr. Holmes, how do you choose to die?"

"Not by your hand, I hope." Sherlock told her.

Abigail smiled as she cocked the gun and pointed it at him. "Too bad."


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