The Adventure of the Blood-Sucking Leech

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The next day, John arrived to find Sherlock and Abigail snogging on the couch. "What are you doing here?!" John exclaimed.

"I-- I--" Abigail stuttered.

Sherlock took charge. "I asked her to come. We can trust her John, she had only been trying to protect me since the very start."

John shifted his glare from Sherlock to Abigail. "You shouldn't have been the one I defended in the beginning. It should've been Sherlock. So don't you dare hurt him again."

"I won't." Abigail told him. "I promise."

Sherlock grabbed his phone. "Now, onto the case. I got an email this morning from Mr. Robert Ferguson who was convinced that his Peruvian wife has been sucking their baby son's blood."

"Vampire?" Abigail asked. "But that's impossible."

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock replied. "The woman was Mr. Ferguson's second wife, he has a fifteen year old son named Jack from his first wife, who suffered an unfortunate accident as a child and now does not have the full use of his legs, although he can walk. His stepmother had been beating him, apparently, although Mr. Ferguson couldn't imagine why. Ever since being found out by her husband, she has locked herself in her room and refused to come out. Only her Peruvian maid, Dolores, was ever allowed in. Just to give Mrs. Ferguson her meals."

Sherlock, John, and Abigail set off for Mr. Ferguson's house in Sussex. "Any ideas, Sherlock?" Abigail asked him.

"One, but I need to observe our clients to confirm it." Sherlock explained.

When they got to Ferguson Manor, the maid announced that her mistress was ill, so John offered to help. Mrs. Ferguson was a very voluptuous woman, although, she seemed quite agitated. She spoke of all being destroyed, and of sacrificing herself rather than breaking her husband's heart. She also demanded to see her child, who had been with the nurse, Mrs. Mason, ever since Mr. Ferguson has known about the bloodsucking incidents.

Sherlock examined the South American weapons displayed in the house with Abigail. One of the maids called for them to meet the children. "You like kids, right?" Sherlock asked Abigail.

She nodded back. "It's to early to have kids, Sherlock, this is the marriage thing all over again."

"No." Sherlock smiled. "I need you to help me with Mr. Ferguson's children."

After making his deductions, Sherlock summoned Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson to break the case wide open.

"The culprit is Jack, Mr. Ferguson's elder son, who is extremely jealous of his young half-brother. I saw Jack's reflection in the window while his father's attention was on the baby, but he had a reflection which meant he wasn't a vampire. Maybe because vampires don't really exist. Jack has been shooting poisoned darts - thoughtfully provided by the weapon collection - at his brother."

Mr. Ferguson butted in. "What about my wife's behaviour of sucking the baby's neck?"

Sherlock smiled. "She was sucking the poison out. The wounds were caused by the darts, not by her biting."

Mrs. Ferguson flung her arms around Sherlock. "Thank you Mr. Holmes, thank you."

"All in a day's job, Madame." Sherlock replied. "I had the cat in the bag from the moment I got the email."

Abigail gave him a displeased look and left to smoke outside. Sherlock followed after her. "Have I done something wrong?" Sherlock asked, grabbing her by the arm.

"Nothing, Sherlock." Abigail replied, pulling her arm away from Sherlock's grasp.

Sherlock thought for a while and smiled. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

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