Truth Will Out

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Suddenly, Abigail's phone rang. "Hello?"

"Yeah, come in. He's all tied up."

The person who entered the room was the most conniving bastard Sherlock had ever met. It was Jim Moriarty.

"Did you miss me?" He asked as he entered the room.

He put his arm around Abigail's shoulder and kissed her cheek. "Thanks, love. Couldn't have done it without you."

Sherlock saw Abigail's hand slide down onto Moriarty's hand. His heart shattered, how come he didn't deduce that Abigail had been lying to him the entire time? Sentiment.

But in one split second, Abigail grabbed Moriarty and flipped him over, grabbing him in a headlock and pointing the gun at him. "Any last words, Jim?"

Jim winced. "I should've seen it coming. You've disappointed me Abigail. You lied to me and Sherlock? You are a massive bitch."

"I don't give a damn about disappointment." Abigail told him cocking the gun.

"Abigail, no!" Sherlock exclaimed. "He's not worth it. Let him go."

Abigail released Moriarty from her grasp.

Moriarty laughed. "Love has made you weak, Sherlock. You should've let her kill me when she had the chance."

But then Abigail knocked him out. She grabbed her phone and called someone. "Mycroft? He's here in 221B. He's only out cold, but you can take him." After ending the call, she started untying Sherlock. He just sat there silently as he put his pants on.

He finally decided to break the silence. "Was it all a lie? You, liking babies, and liking my hair, and being good at Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

Abigail sighed. "It was for a case, Sherlock."

"But you lied to me! And I fell for it!" Sherlock exclaimed. "I fell for you."

"I'm sorry Sherlock." Abigail replied. "Moriarty hired me to assassinate you, but we never met face to face. I think Mycroft found out, which was why he contacted me. We worked out a plan where I would live with you and lead Moriarty here. But I'm guessing you don't want me to live here anymore."

"I'm not saying I believe you and that I forgive you for what you did, but what I want right now is for you to leave, I think that would be best for the both of us." Sherlock told her.

After Moriarty was taken away, Abigail gathered her things and moved out. She told Sherlock that she would be staying at her sister's who lived around the corner. That night, Sherlock sat in his chair. He felt so alone again. Why did he let that happen? His feelings got ahead of him. He received a text. It was from Abigail.

I'm sorry Sherlock, I truly am.

Abigail, x.

"LIAR!!" Sherlock threw his phone at the wall. He started sobbing. Mrs. Hudson came in, looking worried. "What's going on?"

"Look at me, Mrs. Hudson. I'm crying because of love." Sherlock said. "Something petty such as love, hah."

"It's okay to cry, Sherlock." Mrs. Hudson told him. "I could tell she was worth it."

"She was." Sherlock replied. "At least I thought she was."

The next day, Sherlock was sitting in his chair, trying to think in his mind palace. In there, he was walking down Baker Street, except it was deserted. One of the doors opened to reveal Abigail. "Did you really think I would fall in love with someone like you?" She asked him.

"You did." Sherlock told her. "I felt your eyes, your pupils dilated. It's Irene Adler all over again."

Abigail scoffed. "That just shows how great of an actor I am, Sherlock. I only used you to get to Moriarty. You honestly think that someone who is on the same intellectual level as you, possibly even higher, couldn't hatch up a plan like that? You'd know Sherlock. You've done it in the past. You've broken someone's heart for a case, how come you couldn't handle it when it was your turn to get broken?"

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