Day 10

17 1 0

#10 Views on alcohol and drugs?

I have to say it really depends. I don't think alcohol is all that bad as long as you know when to stop and don't drink a lot. As for drugs, some of them are REALLY bad for you and I can't say I approve... Like meth or crystal meth or something like that, is supposed to be REALLY BAD for you. And there's this one drug that gets you SO high and makes you feel SO good.

Like when you eat chocolate and you feel happy. Yeah, this one drug makes you feel like your on top of the world, but when it wears off, you will NEVER feel that good again. You'll end up depressed and always feeling bad after using that drug just once. That's why people keep going back to using it, to be happy, but they only fall deeper and deeper into depression until they end up in rehab or commit suicide. If only I remembered the name of this drug...

My bro told me about drugs because he used to do them when he was an idiot and he also did research on some to see what's safe to do and what's not. He told me cocaine is gross and no good for you either. However marijuana is supposed to be ok because its natural herbs and things.

My bro said it's only illegal because goody 2 shoes people think ALL drugs are BAD. But that's not true. People give out marijuana as a medical treatment thing to some people. But also, too much of anything can be bad for you. Just have a limit.

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