Day 2

22 0 0

#2 How have you changed the past 2 years?

A lot ._. 2 years ago I complained about homeschooling, not having any friends, how my life sucked, how I didn't have a boyfriend and guys don't find me attractive, etc, etc, etc.


I'm in my second year of highschool as a sophmore, getting pretty good grades. Haven't failed a single class yet! I have so many friends in this city I'm nearing 30+! My life isn't all that perfect but it's still a great one to be living for sure! I've actually had 2 boyfriends this year, Devin and Ryan. Ryan was a MASSIVE JERK! Devin wasn't too bad and he was a really sweet first boyfriend :) Guy's didn't find me attractive?? Well they sure do now!

I've declined maybe 10 guys at the least, which isn't too many but eh. Turned em all down though cause they thought I was attractive and didn't even try to get to know me first :/ Thanks but no thanks.

I think I'm a lot more confident now than I use to be and that's something to be proud of! I can even talk to guys without feeling nervous, hell I have guy friends! I know I didn't have bangs or red hair two years ago but I sure do now!

I haven't written as much as I use to and it's not something I'm too happy about but I am trying to fix that :3

In other words, many things in my life is different from how it was 2 years ago. I just gotta keep moving forward, sometimes change is for the better ya know? And I know that they'll only continue to get better as long as I continue to try and do what's right for both myself and the ones around me :)

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