Day 3

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#3 What kind of person attracts you?

Oh man... where to start? Well looks wise, the kind of person that attracts me are emo boys!!! <3

They just look so unique and really stand out from the crowed. I also love the straight long bangs look, it's kawaii~ Skinny looking guys to me look very hugable but if they were a tad bigger I wouldn't really mind. However, Obese people I'd just want to help get healthy so they live a long life. I really love blue eyes, the biggest and brightest especially! Though green eyes are nice to.

I love guys that have the bitch black or ruby red hair! ANYTHING but blonde or brown and here's why. Yellow blonde hair just doesn't attract me. I dunno why, I couldn't tell ya... White blonde hair is fine though. I guess it really just depends on the shade, but if they have the right personality then their hair is the last thing on my mind.

Brown hair however would remind me of my brother and no one wants to kiss there bro. Plus I'd look like the sister of the brown haired guy standing next to him. Then I'd have to watch girls try and flirt with him.... Any other colored hair like blue, green, rainbow, even ginger hair is all good if it's styled cutely!

Just non of that stupid long hair that curls around your head, that's just weird looking and should really be straightened...  It also reminds me of One Direction. I used to love super pale skin so I wouldn't look like a freak in public since I'm extremely pale myself buuuuuuut I change my mind! If they got the hair and eyes, they've got everything~

Even if your black! I think that would be so hot~ black emo boy X3 but I tried looking up pictures one time and couldn't find any :( Another thing that attracts me, look wise, is abs! Not super bulgy muscular abs though. Even if it's just a four pack its acceptable. It's gotta be noticeable but not by a whole lot cause giant muscles kinda gross me out, and abs are the only kind of muscle I find hot really.

Hairless guys. I HATE it when a guy has hair on their chest! XP It only covers up the smexyness. I used to hate hairy legs to and told myself, my boyfriend will shave his legs! But now the idea isn't so bad, but remember, I signed up for a MAN! Not a monkey. Just shave yo chest and it'll be all good. Well.... no beard or mustache either...

I don't want to feel like I'm kissing one of my cats... XP

Hmmm... What else... what else... OH! Eyeliner, it makes the eyes really stand out and makes guys look even more attractive. Painted nails are good but they don't have to be, and only some guys can really pull off the tank top sooooo T-shirts are hotter.

Erm... I believe that's it really for looks. Now personality and other stuff! What's really important!

Flirtatious~ and maybe a bit pervy. I get all flustered with people like this but in a way I feel like they're complimenting me, it makes me feel like I'm actually beautiful. Why else would they flirt with me? Though... I've only been flirted with by two guys before and they were both jerks so I want a guy who isn't a jerk or player.

Confidence. I have 0 confidence out there in public so it's gotta be the guy who has the confidence and is willing to ask me out. Every time I make the first move it ends in disaster so the guy must have a backbone! I also really like loyalty. I hate the whole story about a guy in a relationship going to sleep with someone else. I want a guy who really loves me and no one else, that's really attractive.

I'm kinda getting off topic here and saying ways to win my heart XD so now back to what attracts me!

Kind and romantic guys. The type of guy who isn't afraid to do some cheesy romance thing to get a girl or even make her smile. Like find out her locker combo from her friends and then put a rose in there with secret admirer notes leading up to a date.

If a guy likes anime, well, we all know just how hot otaku's are~ Plus I could watch anime with him and we could talk about our favorite shows! I could seriously relate to someone like that! Music! If a guy likes to play an instrument or sing, that's really attractive to! Also the guys that love to dance are just plain hot. Not like slow cinderella dancing though that is cute, but like really just partying and not caring who's watching!

Also the deep guys. The ones who can really get into detail about what they like and what they don't. If your a guy that gives short answers, seems emotionless, and always bored. That's like the most unattractive thing in the world for me... I need someone... more.. er.. lively?

I think that's all I can really say about this topic. Anything else I'd have to say would fall under ways to win my heart. Which is where all the personality is~

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