Truth Will Out

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"Sentiment." Sherlock replied.

Abigail smiled. "It's a chemical defect found--"

"--on the losing side." Sherlock continued. "I let my heart control me instead of my head."

"And look where it has brought us now." Abigail approached him, caressing his face, seducing him with every touch. "We could've been perfect together Sherlock. If only you were clever enough, we could've killed Moriarty together."

And then she kissed him passionately, he kissed back. He still longed for her touch. Every inch of him wanted to feel her body against his. And it needn't be intimate, as long as he could feel her, may it be her hands or her lips. He wanted to hold her close.

Sherlock got out of his mind palace, feeling his cheeks soaked with tears. He composed himself and went over to the mantelpiece and grabbed the gun. "Damn it." Sherlock exclaimed, cocking the gun. He pointed the gun towards his target and pulled the trigger.

Hours later, the wall was full of bullet holes.

A week had passed since Abigail left 221B. John went over to visit Sherlock since there was absolute radio silence from him. He found Sherlock in his chair with a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other. His hair was disheveled and his shirt looked like it hadn't been changed for days. "She broke me, John." Sherlock said.

"I heard." John told him. "But I didn't think it would take a toll on you like this."

Sherlock's hands were shaking. He had dozens of nicotine patches on his arms.

"We need to get you out of this house, Sherlock." John said. "You need some fresh air."

After a fresh change of clothes, John took Sherlock for a walk around the block. At the exact moment that they passed by Abigail's sister's house, Abigail came out to take out the trash. She looked terrified of John. "Please don't hurt me John, I'm sorry."

"I'm not going to hurt you." John told her. "I'm not sure about Sherlock though."

Sherlock approached her. "I don't want to see you ever again. And if by chance we see each other, don't speak to me. Just act like you don't know me." And then he left to go back to the flat. John scurried after him.

That night, as Sherlock lay in bed, he received a text from Abigail.

I know you said you didn't want any more contact, but I just wanted to let you know that I still think about you, a lot actually. And if there's any chance, I want to ask for your forgiveness. That's all I ask.

Love lots, Abigail x.

Sherlock felt his heart beat so fast like it was going to jump out of his chest. He decided to reply.

Let's meet up tomorrow. Just here at the flat.


The next day, Sherlock cleaned up the pigpen that was 221B. He showered, put on decent clothes, and made tea. Abigail arrived at about two in the afternoon. She fixed up as well. She wore a beautiful sundress and looked on point. As soon as she entered the flat, she wrapped her arms around Sherlock in a warm embrace. "I missed you so much."

"How have you been doing?" Sherlock asked as they sat down on the couch in front of the evidence board.

"I'm doing well." Abigail replied. "I got a job. A decent one this time."

Sherlock smiled. "Good for you."

"How about you?" Abigail asked him.

"Well, my days have mostly revolved around cigarettes and alcohol." Sherlock explained.

Abigail looked worriedly at him. "Don't let yourself go, Sherlock. You're an amazing person with an amazing mind. Don't let what I did to you ruin your mind palace. To be honest, I didn't get a job and I'm not doing well. The past week, I've been moping around my sister's house eating chocolate ice cream. I miss you Sherlock. I feel guilty that I had to lie to you. But to be honest, falling in love with you was never part of the plan."

Sherlock wrapped his arms around her. "Can we just start over? I'd like for us to be friends. Honestly, this time."

Abigail nodded back. "Yes, I'd like that."

As Sherlock released Abigail from their embrace, she placed her lips on his. "Oops, sorry." She said. "Force of habit."

Sherlock smiled genuinely. "Make it a habit again, I'm fine with it."

"Abigail Wright, twenty-eight years old, originally from Norwich." She explained.

"What?" Sherlock asked.

Abigail smiled at him. "I'm being honest."

They spent the entire afternoon chatting about each other's lives until they fell asleep in each other's arms. At about eight in the evening, Abigail woke up. "Sherlock, I have to go." She whispered. "My sister will be looking for me."

Sherlock woke up and smiled. "You don't have a sister. I worked that out yesterday."

Abigail smiled. "You saw through my mask." She settled back down in Sherlock's arms. "Deduce me, Sherlock Holmes. And if you get it right, I'll let you kiss me as much as you want."

Sherlock smiled. "Abigail Wright. Twenty-eight years old. Norwich-born. Assassin trained by the InterPol in South America based on your tan lines."

"I don't have tan lines." Abigail added.

"Exactly." Sherlock replied. "You've been tanning and working. And there's only one place where you could get tanned like that. Brazil, am I right?" Abigail nodded back. Sherlock proceeded to deducing her. "You own a guinea pig, you have guinea pig hairs on your bracelet. You're an only child because if you had a sister, you wouldn't have to lock the door every time you go out of the house, yes I've been watching you. Based on the condition of the muscles on your arms and legs you did competitive horse-back riding as a kid, so you were probably from quite a wealthy family, and you're a good kisser, apparently."

"Very good." Abigail told him.

Sherlock smiled. "I'll have my kisses now."

"But I never did competitive horse-back riding. I did polo." Abigail replied. "You got one wrong."

She placed her lips softly on his. "But, I got one wrong." Sherlock said as their lips parted.

"I didn't say I couldn't kiss you." Abigail told him. "But I have to go. There's no one at my apartment."

"Okay." Sherlock replied, walking her to he door. "Will you come tomorrow? I've got a new case."

"I might." Abigail told him. "If you'll take me to dinner."

"Come in at around eleven, John'll be here by ten." Sherlock explained.

Abigail smiled and kissed Sherlock. "I'll be here at eight."

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