Jack Grazer (Request)

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Y/n Pov

I was I hopped in the warm shower just 20 minutes after arriving in my Hotel.
I was meeting my best friend Finns friends for the first time and was hoping to impress them.

I turned my Spotify on and a high school musical song came on.
I sang my heart out to it while laughing to myself every one in a while. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around my dripping wet body. I could hear Giggling from the other room.
Concerned, I opened the door. To my surprise I saw Finn with his friends.

'Nice singing Y/n!' Finn laughed.
I hit him playfully on the arm

'This is Y/n everybody!' Finn announced. I look at all of his friends, one with huge brown eyes caught my eye.
' I'm jack' He smiled at me.
' Sophia!'

'It's nice to meet you all!' I said, 'My first impression was rather embarrassing so I'm sorry about that!' I  mumbled embarrassed with myself.

' Don't worry!' Jack said Gently, ' I found it cute'. I blushed intensely.

'Ooooo' Finn Yelled, ' I ship!'

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