Part 14

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"I'm glad you made it."

Sweaty bodies grazing each other on the dance floor, horny teenagers dry humping random strangers and inebriated college kids making bad decisions. This is a scene that I couldn't be more familiar with, a place full of desire. With a beer in my hand, I moved my body to the flow of the electronic beats. Noah was holding me, dancing with me in the crowded dance floor.

"Me too."

"I've probably already told you but you look beautiful tonight."

"You look nice too, handsome," I turned around to face him, "This party is banging."

"I know right? Our frat knows how to throw the best party," he said in my year as the music is a bit too loud.

I put his hand on my waist and let him hold me from behind. He nuzzled my hair. He seemed to enjoy rubbing himself against immensely. Although I'm here on the dance floor, my mind is somewhere else. There's something-- someone in the back of my mind that I can't get rid of. It's making me sick. I willed myself not to think of that kiss, it means nothing. It shouldn't mean anything. 

I took another sip of my beer as we continued to dance. I should probably get some refill.

"Imma get a refill. You want some?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll come with you."

He held my hand through the crowd to the refreshment table. I appreciate that he's so considerate and sweet in all ways, but it makes me a bit unconformable holding hands. My stomach hurts. I instinctively wanted to shrug off his hand in my drunken state.

"Do you always drink this much?" Noah asked with a chuckle as I filled my cup with another round of beer. 

"Kind of," I can't remember how much have I drunk, but I may have drunk extra much today because there's something I need to forget. I picked up some more cupcakes from the table. 

"So tell me a little bit about yourself," He said, getting a beer for himself.

"Hmm?" I munched on the food.

"Are your family from here?"

"No... they live far away. How about you?"

"Oh, I'm a local. I went to high school nearby. My parents and my sister still live here."

"Wow, you must know an awfully lot of people here."

"Yeah, it can be a bit annoying sometimes. Where are you from? Do you have any siblings?"

"Um," I stuttered evasively. I know better than to talk about this even in my in inebriated state. My stomach felt horrible. "Wait, I need to use the toilet."

"Okay, you know where it is, right?"

"Yes," I practically rushed to the washroom. Thank God there was no gross couple doing it in the toilet. I emptied my stomach almost instantly as the door closed. For the next few minutes, or hours, I just kept throwing up. I'm soaked in sweat, I'm sure my makeup and hair are all messed up. I even tasted blood in my mouth, my throat burned from the chronic vomiting. It feels horrible. I think I blacked out for a bit in between vomiting. When it finally stopped for a moment, I mustered up the tiny bit of energy left in me and flushed the toilet. I collapsed on the floor, unwilling to move since even lifting a finger might lead me to throw up again. Just let me stay here for a while, maybe I'll be okay soon. I can still leave in the morning, no one will notice.

Falling deep into unconsciousness, I was woken up by someone yelling and banging on the door.   I was aware of what was going on, but I willed myself not to move. Moving will only intensify nausea and make me throw up again. The music was still blasting in the house, that means I've only passed out in the toilet for a few minutes.

Someone was banging on the door again. Fuck off, leave me alone. I curled up on the floor and covered my face with my hand to make me feel less dizzy.

"Shortcake! Are you there?"

Damn it, leave me the fuck alone. I wanted to yell, but there was nothing left in me. I couldn't move. I knew it was Gavin, only he would call me that stupid name. The thumping of the door made the floor shook, it made me sick.

A calmer and gentler knock on the door followed, "Livvy, are you there? Can you open the door?" This voice is much calmer and collected. He twisted the doorknob but failed to open the door.

Go away. All the noise is making my head hurt.

"I don't know- she went to the toilet and-" I recognised Noah's voice in the midst of the sound of indistinct shouting. I wish they would just leave. It's a shame for anyone to see me like this. They're making things worst.

I didn't know how long had passed, but the finally door broke. "Shortcake!"

"Livvy, are you okay?" Nathan, Gavin's friend was here. I didn't even have the energy to open my eyes. I kept my hand on my face to block out the light, I don't want to hurl again.

"What the fuck did you do to her? You asshole-"

I heard a yelp and someone's body hit the floor. Nathan went out to settle whatever was going on.

"What did you give to her?!"

"Man, you don't need this again. Don't do things that you'll regret-"

I think I passed out again. When I woke up, I hurled again.



A/N: I cringe so hard when I read my own book :/ idk why is that normal. anyway I'll continue to write even it's cringe

*casually chewing avocado*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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