Part 12

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The bar was filled with roaring cheer as one of the players on screen made a home run. Downing my third beer of the night, I'm starting to feel the dizziness catching up on me. I cheered when everyone else did and had a great time talking to Noah, Josi and the other guys. Josi was absolutely infatuated with baseball and I love that she had a great time. 

Despite the protest of my stomach, I picked up another Jack Daniels. Once I start drinking, I can't stop. I love any kind of liquor. I kept thinking about what Gavin said and what he did. It's really bugging me that his actions affect me so much. Although Noah provided a nice distraction for me, thoughts about him kept popping up whenever my head clear up a little. It's really irritating me that he affects me so much and I get even more irritated.

"Livvy, do you want something to eat? You've drunk a lot," asked Noah. He's super sweet to keep me up with the game and check up on me every once in a while.

"No, I'm good," I said with a smile.

"Is there something wrong?" Noah had to shout as the place was filled with another wave of laughter.

"No! Absolutely not. This place is great! I'm having a great time."

"We can go to somewhere quieter, if you want," he said.

"Nah, I'm good. The game is ending soon anyway."

"The Giants are down by three. I think they're gonna lose this time," he commented.

"Yeah, it's likely," I looked over at Josi. She didn't seem too fazed by the points.

"Your friend sure is full of energy."

I giggled. "You should see her when she sees a hot guy. She's absolutely insane."

"You're pretty crazy yourself too. I've seen you dancing on the bar table a couple of times."

"Seriously?" I laughed. Well, I'm sure I did.

"I like crazy," he said.

"Haha, is that a compliment?" I joked.

"If you say so."

Noah is who I'm supposed to go for. Sweet, outgoing, caring... He's my type. He's what I need, someone less complicated and easier for me to handle. I'm in control. Maybe I'll feel more like myself and go for a date if I try hard enough. I have to make an effort to get myself back on track. 

I leaned closer towards Noah and batted my eyelashes, "You smell nice." I know the drill, I've done it so many times.

Noah's eyes focused on me. Before he could say anything, Josi jumped on me from behind.

"Livvyyyyy!" slurred Josi.

"Girl, you're drunk as hell!" I steadied her.

"Aren't you too? The game was brill!"

"I should get you girls home now," said Noah as he chuckled. "I'll text you again," he whispered in my ear.


I gazed at the cloudless blue sky through the window. I feel so much better now that I can shove my problems aside and block out my feelings. It's stupid for me to care about how Gavin thinks of me anyway. He's not worth my time. Knowing that I have other options and something else to focus on, I feel more like myself, more in control.

"Nadia, we went out of coffee," said Dr. Richard.

"I remember there is a box in the cabinet," replied Nadia. Dr. Richard, Jack and Nadia were all in the research centre as I worked on an essay from class as usual. I grown quite used to their company. It's nice to have someone around and have some noise around me. I feel less alone.

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