Part 3

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What. An. Asshole.

The more I think about it the more irritated I grew. Who does he think he is? I calculated my attendance rate, I haven't reached the limit of lessons that I'm allowed to skip if you count the lesson I attended (for 10 minutes) yesterday. But still, isn't he paid to tutor me? I almost sold my kidney to pay for college tuition. None of my friends took Economics so there's no one I could possibly turn to except for the tutor guy.

After the second day trying and failing to look for Dr. James Richard, I went to the office again to ask for him.

"Dr. Richard? He's usually not in campus but maybe you can find him in the Economics and Finance research centre. That's in Richmond College."

That's another 15 minutes walk. Numerous profanities went through my mind for that asshole making me walk in the heat.

When I finally reached the building, I'm already sweating like a pig. Luckily, Dr Richard was here today. I rehearsed my indignant-yet-polite speech in my head as I waited for him to come out to meet me. 

When the door finally opened, who greeted me wasn't who I expected. A small, old, balding man greeted me with a wide grin. What???????????? Is this some kind of joke?

"Hi nice to meet you, you must be one of my students," he said, then continued to talk about how he taught in this university 10 years ago after I introduced myself. Wait, what?

"Wait, are you Dr. Richard? Dr. James Richard?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"There must be some mistake here. I'm looking for the tutor of Economics tutorial class? On Tuesday?"

The old man looked just as confused as I am, so I volunteered more information, "You know? That tall guy with dark hair, blue eyes? Broad shoulders, strong jaw? He's kinda young," fuck is this some kind of eery scene on tv shows? Like the Red Woman isn't actually hot? This is freaking me out.

"Who?" Dr. Richard is still confused.

"The guy with an attitude problem?" I offered.

"Ooooh, you mean Gavin? Gavin Hundert?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Don't worry, I'll fetch him," he smiled. Although I'm not exactly worried, I appreciate his affability. He must be the nicest man alive, unlike that asshole.

He walked back into the hallway and half a minute later, a familiar figure appeared behind the glass door of the common area.

"You!!!" I exclaimed.

"What?" the supposed tutor guy said, bored. He doesn't seem to have any emotions other than bored and annoyed.

"This is Gavin Hundert. He was substituting for my tutorial classes. As you can see, I've retired and I'm only here as a senior fellow..." Dr Richard started blabbering again.

"You lied!" I accused the supposed tutor guy who now has a name - Gavin Hundert.

"I did not. I just didn't correct you," he crossed his arms.

"That's kind of lying too." I wasted my time to find a guy who isn't even who I was supposed to be finding.

Gavin rolled his eyes and started to retreat into the hallway.

"Wait! I really need you to look at this," I pulled out my essay and hand it to him. At this point, all my rehearsed speech were long gone. "Please?" Where's my pride and dignity? I thought I was going for the tough, independent woman demeanor.

"I said no," he said without a smile. Does this man ever smile?

"Please though, I really need this."

"Yes Gavin, maybe you should help her," interjected Dr. Richard. 

"You don't even know what's going on," sighed Gavin. 

"Why wouldn't you want to help a stunning woman in need? Right, Livvy?" asked Dr Richard. I looked at the old man gratefully, I would have given a big, fat kiss on the cheek if circumstances allow. 

I took Gavin's arm and basically shoved the essay in his hand when he didn't shrug me off. "Thank you, thank you so much!" He furrowed his eyebrows, like he didn't know what to do with it.

"The door is always open for you," said Dr Richard. Isn't he lovely?

"I'll come and pick it up this week, or you can just give it back to me the next tutorial," I gave him my widest grin. He's still an asshole but he went from a level 10 asshole to a level 8 asshole, so that's great progress.

"Whatever," he sighed and went into the glass door.

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