Part 9

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We arrived at a Walmart after a 10 minutes drive.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. This isn't the Walmart I usually shop at since there's another one closer to dorm, but I know my way back if he decided to dump me here.

"Grocery shopping, what do you think?" he said without looking at me as he locked his car.

"Wait! I forgot my bag!" I realised. My purse, my money and everything are inside the car. I only have my coat, my phone and some change in my pocket. I doubt it'll be enough for me to call a cab.

"You don't need it. Come on, we're running out of time," Gavin walked towards the entrance without looking back.

"Why are we getting groceries? I don't need any," I protested as I almost had to jog to keep up with him.

"You're here to carry the bags, Shortcake."

"Seriously? You kidnapped me to help you carry grocery bags..." I spotted a Baskin Robbins near the entrance. "...wait, I need to get some ice cream."

"Can I have a strawberry cheesecake? In cup?" I told the girl working behind the counter. Strawberry Cheesecake is always my favourite since I was a kid.

"What size do you want it in?" she asked sweetly.

"She'll have a large," Gavin answered for me and proceeded to pay. I wanted a large, but I think I have enough money right now.

"No, I'll pay for myself," I stopped him. I counted the change in my pocket, my broke ass couldn't afford an ice cream. He gave me a look that said "See?"

I scowled at him, "I'll pay you back when I get back to the car."

"No, I've gotta keep your energy up to torment you," Gavin said as he inserted a coin and unlocked a shopping cart.

"How nice of you," I said sardonically and put a big scoop of ice cream into my mouth. My eyes fluttered shut when the heavenly taste of ice cream melted on my tongue. I think I even let out a moan. Nothing's better than a good bowl of ice cream. I felt Gavin's eyes on me as I eat. His eyes were dark and intense. Why does he always look at me like he wants to chop me up and eat me like a cannibal?

"Do you want some?" Maybe he's looking at me because he wants some ice cream. It was his money so I have to be polite and ask, although I don't think he will want to. I've never seen him eat anything.

"Okay," He took my spoon and scooped a large mouthful, "Mmm..."

"Tastes good right? You're seriously missing out," he gave back my spoon, "A little bit of ice cream now and then won't destroy your abs."

"I'll take your word," he said. Why is he so cheery today? Something's wrong. He took out what seemed like a grocery list and steered us towards the aisle for household items.

I helped him push the shopping cart as he looked for things he need. "You know, I can take a photo of the shopping list and help you get the things you need. Then we can be faster," I offered and finished the last spoon of my ice cream.

"You don't know which brand I use," he said while putting more packets of cleaners in the shopping cart.

"Hmm..." I scraped the bottom of the cup for the melted ice cream.

"Shortcake, spill," he said.

"Spill what?"

"What's going on in your tiny brain?"

I made an awkward smile. Shit, I haven't thought about Jane since we're in Walmart. Does he know what I'm thinking? Or is he just messing with me?

"You look a bit like a pickle today," Gavin said nonchalantly.

"I do not!" I complaint.

"Spill or I'm going to squeeze your brain like a lemon."

"Just wondering why people aren't being nice back. For example, you," I said jokingly.

"Hmmm...I can't agree to that." We were quiet for a moment.

"I've been always so nice to everyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone. At least not on purpose," I sighed.

He doesn't say anything for a while, and I couldn't tell if he was listening or not. He's so hard to read. "Are you even listen-"I started.

"Yeah. You're not obliged to be nice to people."

"I know, but-"

"Sometimes people take what you do for them for granted, or take you for granted."

"Yeah. Maybe."

"You don't need everyone to like you. Maybe it'll be better to cut off some toxic people in your life," he looked me in the eye and said, "It's okay to be not okay with things. Just saying."

I was a bit touched by what he said,  for a moment I thought he understood me. I want to bury my head in his chest and... Hold up, stop being a freak. That's so weird.

"Haha, in that case you'll be rotting in my backyard by now," I joked to lighten the mood. It seems a bit weird to be talking about this kind of thing with the guy who I'm supposed to hate. Probably because he smells too good, like homely seabreeze and my grandma's warm hugs. It's messing with my logical sense.

"Like you have the guts to. You'll spill the beans to a random old lady who asks you how you're doing," he stated. That's likely. I can never be a good serial killer even if I wanted to, but I'm not going to admit that to him.

"Where are we going now?" he seemed to have done shopping for cleaning supplies, so I asked.

"We're gonna get some food," he replied.

I climbed on the shopping cart and rolled down the aisle, "Coming through! Patient with facial paralysis and... Ow!" He stopped the cart abruptly, I almost fell from the cart. Gavin walked in the aisle for medicine and health care and picked up a box of Magnums, attracting more attention than his hotness already did. Some middle-aged housewives were looking at us, giggling. He looked at me mischievously. Are you expecting me to be embarrassed?

I raised an eyebrow, "You know they come in size small though, right?" Take that, cute, fluffy... tiny wiener. Mama ain't raise no bitch.

"You can find out what size I am if you want," he said with a smirk.

"Woah, okay, I'm not participating in this conversation," I said. 

We meandered around the food racks and picked up the food on his list. The store was decorated with pumpkins, bats and things related to Halloween since it's already mid-October. I looked around aimlessly and spotted a witch with a banner saying "...Be-ra-wa-re?" I read out loud.

"It says 'Beware', stupid Shortcake," Gavin chided and ruffled my hair.

"Ow! Stop!" I protested indignantly.

We jostled each other as we lined up to check out our items. I picked through the items in the shopping cart. Eggs, milk, more boring food... Although I'm not exactly the one to talk, I can't cook, so I can only resort to salad with mac n cheese, sometimes with chicken breasts. I learned how to cook chicken breasts in home economics in middle school, that's still the only meat I know how to make up till now. Luckily, I have Josi, who is a brilliant cook. I don't know how I can live without her.

I carried one of the bags to the car. It was so heavy, I had to support the bottom of the bag, so it wouldn't break. I cursed under my breath, friggin' jerk face make me do all the hideous work. I had difficulty seeing the road ahead, half of my face is hidden behind the grocery bag.

"Wait!" I yelled. Gavin was walking too fast, a few yards ahead of me. 

He stopped for me and held out his hand. I looked at him, saying, "What?" 

"Give me the bag."

"Oh," I handed him the bag. He didn't seem to have any problem carrying both bags. Why did he make me carry the bag if he was capable of doing it himself? Are you freaking kidding me?

"Why did you ask me to come carry the bags? You can do it yourself all right," I said with discontent.

"It's interesting watching you struggle," he shrugged.

I'm not even joking, I'm seeing red right now.

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