3 Years Later: A new family

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3 years later:

Three years passed since she was abandoned at the orphanage in America, during those times she felt free, in the orphanage Yuki helped the other orphan kids with their school work and duel monsters. As a matter of fact, Yuki was named the Queen of games since last year by beating Rebecca in a dueling match. Yuki continued to write letters to Yugi but, was hidden away before it even went to the post office by the head Mistress of the orphanage along with the other letters Yuki's parents hid from her.
One day in the afternoon Yuki was in the entertainment room with the other orphan kids playing the piano
(Kiss of an angel)
They were interrupted when the headmistress told them to start their chores for the day.
Yuki began her chores in the storage area, while she was cleaning what she could since she's in a wheelchair, Yuki dropped her rag on the floor under a desk. When she picked up the rag, her eyes widened at what she saw next.
"It can't be, why?"

Time Skip:
Yuki barged into the head mistress's office with a face of rage
"Why, why did you do this to me!"
Yuki shouted
"What do mean Yuki" the headmistress replied confused
"Why did you hide the letters!" The headmistress stiffened tried to explain the situation to Yuki
"We had no choice, I'm sorry it was your parents' order... "
"They aren't my parents" Yuki interrupted her without another word Yuki wheeled away, closing the door behind her.

Time Skip:

A few days passed since the head mistress's confession and since then Yuki cut off from the people around her, some of the volunteers felt pity for Yuki and tried to lift her spirits but nothing worked.
It was the middle of the day some of the children were playing outside, Yuki was with them except on a table practicing her dueling to keep her mind away from her pain.
"Kids come inside, someone important is here today" one of the attendances announced, the kids obeyed while Yuki stayed where she was continuing her dueling, the attendant walked towards Yuki with a sad look on her face
"Yuki, please come inside," she said softly. Yuki nodded and let the attendant wheel her inside
"Can you take me to the piano room, please"Yuki whispered, surprised that she spoke the attendant smiled
The two of them entered the piano room as Yuki wheeled herself to the piano she began to play a sad melody

As Yuki continued to play she didn't notice two people watching wondering why she was playing such a sad melody
"I see you are curious about Yuki," the headmistress told the two guests the older one looked at the young women and nodded
"Yes, what's her story," he asked, the headmistress frowned and sadly sighed
"It's a sad one, she was brought here by her parents three years ago, abandoned because of her disability to walk and because of her gender, cut off from the outside world"
"The only one who cared for her was her grandmother"
"And where is she," the younger one asked overhearing the conversation
"She died four years ago, by a terrible accident, which caused Yuki to be disabled" the two guests stood quietly absorbing the information they obtained from the headmistress.
The older boy walked away from the room while the younger one stayed till the song was finished.
"Hello," the young guest said, Yuki flinched from the sudden voice and turned to see a young boy standing behind her
"Hello, who are you," she asked
"I'm Mokuba, it's nice to meet you" Yuki smiled lightly for his enthusiasm "I'm Yuki" when she said her name Mokuba's eyes widened
"Are you the Yuki, Yuki queen of games?" Yuki giggled and answered
"I am"
The two of them began to talk about different topics until the older guest came back
"We're leaving" he announced
"OK, Seto," Mokuba said disappointed "you too Yuki" Yuki's eyes widened "what" Mokuba jumped happily
"Yay, a new sibling" Seto slightly smiled at his younger brothers reaction. 'A new beginning' Yuki thought 'maybe I will get to see him again' Yuki and her new siblings began to walk in Yuki's case wheeled out of the orphanage
"Wait, Yuki!" The headmistress called out, Yuki stopped and turned her head towards the young women
"I want you to have these" the headmistress handed Yuki her letters that were supposed to before her best friend Yuki smiled saying thank you and continued wheeling towards her new sibling, the Kaiba brothers to Japan, their home.

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