"Aish..Jjinja?? I'm great. It's just we have a great time, as always..He have mood swings.."
"Why are you blushing??"
"Me?? Mwoo??"
"Yes..you look like you're hiding me something..Do you like him?? Did you have a sweet moment with him?? "
"Me??? Ani!"

"You're still young Hyemin, wait for the right time. Anyway, where's Yoongi?? I have to talk to him. Right now!!"
"I'm here.." Yoongi spoke from behind.
"Oh my goodness.. Yah!!! you startled me." I look at him and narrow my eyes. He gave me a wink and a smile. I just act like nothing happened.

"Ooh. Looks like I am watching a drama here."
"Yah.. Hoseok, you now me.. I'm just a normal person who-" Yoongi was cutted when Hoseok interrupt.
"Who likes my sister? I'm just joking.."
"HOSEOK!!!" both of us said in unison.


"Who doesn't like that kind of jokes."
"Ne, ne.. Yoongi. Did you take a good care of Hyemin?"

"Of course I did, you can see right?" He said and mess my hair. I slap his hand and he stopped.
"I won't take any longer Hyemin. Oppa will fetch you later. So pack your things up.. I'll be going home later."

Both of us hear what Hoseok just said. And we both look at each other unexpectedly. Our eyes contact, and I can see in his eyes that he doesn't want me to leave. His eyes told everything. He cutted it by rolling his eyes..

"Okay, see you later Hobi-ssi!! Annyeong!!" I said, while me and Yoongi waving at him.
"See you!" He gave us a wave back
~Call Ended~

He sat down once again on the opposite couch. "So.. You're leaving later.."
"Yeh.. I have too. Anyway, Hoseok-oppa said before that I don't have to stay for a really long period of time."
"I know.." He said sadly

"What's bothering you?? You look said recently..You can tell me. Besides I am a great counsellor."
"Are you??" He ask me.
"Yes I am.."
"If I tell you that I couldn't live here alone..what will you counsel?"
"I could just say that get some friends..Hang with them."
"Too common..Nah, thank you but that's not the right answer at all.."

"Okay then. I am glad tou still appreciate it."
"No, I don't.."
Here we go again...
I sat beside him. Then ask him once again..
"What is bothering you? You can tell me. Promise, cross my heart. I won't tell it."
"Of course!"

"It's just..being alone here in this big house was great."
"Seems like you don't have a problem at all.. Are you trying to make me laugh???"
"I'm not yet done..It was great..but I felt alone. My friends already have their own life. I mean they have goals too. It feels like I just isolated myself..being so bossy infront of other people.. I have troubles with having fun because I was focus on my passion. I am a CEO of AniSoft, yes I like it. I like music too. But this doesn't make me happy enough.. Being alone in this house was like walking back and forth. Doing the same routine. Unlike with someone, it makes my life more fun..But none of them are here with me.. "

"That was a long problem..You don't have to feel that your alone. I am here, though I am just your employee, I can be a great friend too..If it's okay to you.."
"Thank you.."
"You're welcome!" I replied him and pat his shoulder.

Yoongi's POV
I calmed down and felt my sorrow subsided. I wish I could tell that she was more than a friend, like a great friend. Even though I haven't know her very well, but I was too shy to tell it... I'll tell it sometimes. Somehow, I wanted to tell her that can she stay even more longer..I feel so bored without her.

[Hours Later]

"Yah Hyemin! Are you done fixing your things up? Hobi just message me that he will be here any moment now!" I told her while standing at the door of her room.
"Ne, almost done."
"Then you're not yet done.."
I look at him and he just wave at me. I took a deep breath and let it go. After all, I'm done packing my things up.

[Minutes ago]

"Yoongi-ah! Where are you?"
"I'm here, upstairs!"
I come down with loads of Hyemin's things, basically it's just a big back pack.

I put down her bag and ask Hobi a question..
"How'd you enter?? My door is lock in a password."
"It's simple, I just recall what you tell me before, your password."
I nod. (This is Hobi and Yoongi's POV)

I come down, seeing Hobi there with Yoongi.
"Yah Hosoek-oppa!"
"Hey there! So are you done packing things up?"
"Yeh. So let's go?"
"Say bye first to your CEO that's watching" he whispered on my ear.

"Annyeonghi kyeseyo sir Yoongi." I bowed down
"Annyeong..." He wave at me
We were leaving when he wave at us, I was carrying Mongshil that time so I didn't look back at all.

Yoongi's POV
I closed the door slowly while watching them leave. As Hyemin hop on Hoseok's motorcycle, I already closed the door.

I went upstairs, and I saw her room open.
I entered and saw a sticky note on her mirror.
It says that:
Dear Yoongi,
President Miiiin! Thank you for letting me live with you even a single week. I know I became loud and savage sometimes, so were you. Kekekeke.
But I hope that you won't feel lonely again. Whenever you feel lonely just shake the miniture bottle at the table next to my bed, it will help you a lot!!! And that bottle is for you, I made it! Hope chu like it!!♡
-salang Hyemin-ssi

I look for the miniture bottle, and I found it at her bed, is she joking??? She said at the table...
I shake it up, I could feel my happiness just burst up. It was so satisfying seeing the glitters fall down. It really help me a lot.
So I keep it on my room. And place it next to my bed, I was admiring it until I fall asleep.


Hello there my readers!!! I )now this chapter was looooooong. It's because I finished it, and yeh..This is the last part of A Life with Yoongi. And I hope you enjoy that part!!
Thank you so much for all the love and support!
Please excuse my spelling and grammar again..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Please support our boys. Ty

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